Discussion: The Attorney General Is Speaking The Language Of Fox News

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha That is the stupidest excuse for an “argument” I’ve seen in ages.


I had a conversation with Bruce Bartlett about this kind of thing a few years ago. He comes from right wing think tanks, knows the people, smart people, advanced degrees, and he says that most of them actually believe this crap now. Don’t underestimate the impact of propaganda.


The information will come out. It always does. It’s a matter of when.
Sooner is better.


My default position (on THIS board) has always been a line I heard in this flick called “The Ghost and the Darkness” Here is what was said,

"I am a man of peace!"

Of course the speaker was a man looking at the business end of a firearm held by a determined individual… but his intent counted to me.

I come in Peace…but some don’t.

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Wow…we are in the presence of genius.


Nope - there is a concerted effort to make sure that Democrats stay disappointed with half their party at all times - and it works on both halves of the party.


Yes, they’ve been saturated with this rancid stew for generations at this point, so they aren’t aware that other facts exist. Educated or not, they accept the “truths” they’ve been told as gospel. Any attempt to dislodge them from that view would require them to completely rebuild their worldview and while that’s not impossible, it’s not common.

It’s far easier to just stay on the reservation and insist that the rest of the world must be crazy if they ever do get challenged on their facts.


Welp…the reservation Barr will be on will not be theirs…unless they are facing felony raps, too.

Look…I do not wish to be flippant…but the idea of an Information Blackout of the sort Trump is now imposing continuing for longer than a matter of weeks assumes either an actual coup or an extremely demoralized, docile and clueless population


Well said.

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it has been nearly a month since the redacted mueller report was released. In that time, what new information, relevant to the Russia investigation or Trump’s obstruction, has been revealed thanks to congressional investigations?

AFAIK, the answer is none. And there are no public hearings scheduled for the immediate future.

We will probably get dribs and drabs over the next weeks – more of the Flynn stuff, thanks to a judge who (apparently) thinks the public has the right to know the basis for whatever sentence Flynn is eventually given. But despite the media frenzy concerning the Flynn reveal, its significance is marginal, at best. (indeed, the only person keeping the story alive is Trump himself at this point).

And there might be some information coming from intrepid reporters. Some of that might be truly important.

But absent something earth-shattering (like Mueller testifying that Trump;s obstruction actually prevented Mueller from pursuing certain leads) what little information we can expect will be buried by stories about sternly worded letters, subpoenas, contempt citations, and court hearings – and appeals.

In other words, I’m already demoralized.

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Docile and clueless yes. Docile until food shortages and massive gas price hikes hit. Clueless because until things go haywire the general population does not care that much what goes on in DC…
I have had otherwise intelligent folk say to me… “all that doesn’t impact me.”


Put another way: Trump is the deer tick. Barr & Co. are the Lyme Disease agents.


OK, but what I’m trying to say is his personality is such that they can’t possibly have a smidgen of honor and work for a guy who is obviously stupid and berates them and everyone around him. Who has shown such poor judgement in all the hiring of his inner circle from day 1. I’m sure they agree with each and every one of his ‘policies’ - but no one will hold their hand over a candle flame for him to prove their loyalty.


Not everyone is interested in government and politics, which is stating the obvious, but since all of us are very interested, sometimes you have to state the obvious. It gets lost otherwise.

It works best if we can convey passion about it all because reason doesn’t matter, doesn’t sell and doesn’t sink in these days. But passion gets attention.


I am more angered than demoralized. It’s time for Schiff or Nadler to tell the Congressional Sgt-at-Arms to authorize a couple fed Marshals to arrest Mnuchin and Barr, then bring them to the floor of the House and make sure they are jailed until they respond to those subpoenas they ignored. That will get trump’s attention.


while I agree with your sentiments, I do think there are practical considerations at work here.

Like Mnuchin’s and Barr’s security details (Secret service? FBI?) Things could get messy very quickly. Its not as if either of them has shown any respect for Congress’ authority so far.


My concern is that PP’s legal team, including His AG, wants to redirect the battle from PP onto Barr as a distraction, a muddying of the water, if you will. My desire is to bypass and ignore Barr as much as possible, and circle back around to his acts of obstruction later.


Have you considered how an impeachment investigation of Barr might free up information?

I mean, subpoena Rosenstein and Durham, and then give them immunity. Tell them that you are investigating whether Barr committed impeachable crimes, and that they can’t withhold evidence relevant to those crimes because of executive privilege.

I mean, I think its worth a shot --especially if Congress isn’t going to impeach Trump.


Just ignore him. He wants everyone to be as reckless and histrionic as he is


It’s like a ratio…the more damaging information comes out about Trump…

  • Barr’s value minimizes

  • Barr’s legal jeopardy increases

  • Barr stops making wisecracks to Congress

  • Barr starts to wish he had never met Trump

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