Discussion: The Attorney General Is Speaking The Language Of Fox News

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This is flat out terrifying.


So we know Biden’s under DOJ investigation, when’s Barr starting up the investigations on the rest of the Dem candidates?


I keep hearing people wonder why Barr is “willing to ruin his reputation” for Trump.

The answer is that Barr gets his information from FoxNews and right wing media – its not that he is “speaking the language of Fox News”.

Its that “Fox News is Barr’s Native Language”

Its an important distinction. Barr does not know better. He’s not “exploiting the rubes” by employing FoxSpeak. He is one of the rubes.


If we win the election, we should pass laws that would execute treasonous Attorneys General by deep frying.
That, or parce them and feed them to the Atlantic Blue Claw crabs.


This is extremely important. Because this is a proclamation that Barr is, in fact, a much older, fatter and stupider version of Sean Hannity.

If we can coalesce on this line of thinking it will do two things:

  • Make it clear that we (living-in-reality-not-fantasy-types-of people) will be vindicated when more incriminating /Impeachable information comes out on Trump

  • Make it clear that Barr is, in fact, a much older, fatter and stupider version of Sean Hannity


The longer that Trump,Barr, and the Republican enablers in Congress keep up the combination of stonewalling and doing a full-court press counterattack based on the idea that Trump was the victim of a conspiracy, the stronger that combination becomes. The Mueller report, even in redacted form, details obvious crimes and grounds for impeachment. Acting like this isn’t true creates the impression that it isn’t true, which makes the stonewalling/conspiracy press even more effective. What Josh used to call “bitch slap” politics really plays out in this.

I’m really worried that we’re going to look back at this as the lost opportunity that could have prevented them from manufacturing a consensus that Trump was vindicated by the report, when it actually shows the opposite.


This rotter has really revealed his stripes giving an interview with the rat wing nut job faux news.
Now, if he were talking to MSN he might be talking to everyone as an attorney general should.
Just like tRump, when you thought he couldn’t go lower, he stepped down another rung.


actually, its better that Barr restrict his interviews to right wing outlets.

Mainstream outlets would “respectfully” allow Barr to tell lie after lie after lie without interruption – and then perhaps meekly challenge one of those lies in a way that allowed Barr to tell more lies.

IMHO, the mainstream media --especially broadcast media-- needs to fight back. They need a kill switch on every microphone, that can be employed whenever someone tells an obvious lie – or goes off on a tangent rather than answer a direct question.


That’s getting into Glenn Beck territory!


A note of dissent here. Given his intellectual level, I’d suggest that it’s more likely he’s a committed rightist, not a naif in need of better input: a user not someone used.

He comes from the high end of the Republican party, not from the crudities of Trumpworld. A reasonable conjecture is that his appointment definitely marks the entrance of a skilled authoritarian team into the administration.


Faux Noise has had the mission statement of legitimizing this crap since its founding. It has now found enough perpetrators to relentlessly repeat this crap and enough idiots with no critical thinking to believe it and make it a part of the national dialogue.

Our founding fathers would be so proud.


Well, after all, Faux and WSJ are sympathetic ears, no?


Pelosi could have this rodent arrested by the Sergeant at Arms of the United States House of Representatives.

[I know, not fair to rodents.]


…the entire probe was based off of the notorious Steele dossier…

Josh, your post is quite good, but why not “…the entire probe was based on the notorious Steele dossier…”

The entire situation with Trump and his enablers, including Barr, the AG whose salary is paid by the taxes of Americans, is as terrifying as anything I have experienced in my long life.


I think the fact that AG is a cabinet member makes it likely for AG to be extremely partisan. It’s because previous administrations have not been so shameless that people are now finding Barr’ behavior terrifying. The same can be said about many other things of this administration. Team Trump is just good at making use of loopholes of laws.


An important corollary question is why the Very Important People in DC media assured everybody that Barr has such a sterling reputation in the first place. Where did this alleged reputation come from? He’s been a disgraceful party hack for decades, whose chief role was to help fellow Republicans escape justice after committing very serious crimes.

It just goes to show how powerful good PR can be. Barr convinced a whole lot of people – including here, and on the left in general – that he was some kind of honorable, above-it-all principled patriot, just because some centrist establishment talking heads said so.