Discussion: The Art Of The Kneel: How Trump's Tactics Kept Shrinking His Wall


Or, as evidenced by Trump Organization hiring practices, he doesn’t actually care about stopping any immigrants. The true value of the “wall” is only as a campaign cudgel for his racist base. In that alternative, being able to say that he fought for it and lost is even better than having actually secured funding and built anything.


Trump is no genius. He’s mentally ill.


I am sure the wall has no environmental downsides, and all the bulldozers and trucks and concrete will be carbon neutral.


In addition to the amazing shrinking wall, I’m sure his penis is inverted by now.


The Art of the Heel!


Coming up next after The Apprentice WH, The Martyr!


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Well, that was my side-splitter for the day…!


Eeeeeeew! Can’t get that image out of my head now… :scream:


GOPers were so pumped about watching Trump troll the Libs that they couldn’t see what was happening. Yes, he can agree to bills and then refuse to sign them at the last minute. Fun for everyone! See the Libs rage! Yes, he can sign EO’s that undo Obama’s legacies. Fun for everyone! The Libs are sad! Yes, he can be a destructive force for our country, but as long as Libs are sad, the GOP is happy!
Too bad the country grew weary of that.


This entire debate is odd. The wall is almost finished. Essentially all that’s left to do is pack up the tools and tidy up whatever constructuion mess remains.


Wall is like God. No need to have all Wall - Wall is all everywhere all ready, like God. Wall is omnipotent. Wall sees all, Wall knows all. Wall IS all.

So Trump has become High Priest to, not Baal, but Wall. And all Wall followers will demand, will insist, that all worship Wall, and sacrifice to Wall.

What is the basis for the Trump administration’s War on Kids? Remember that Baal required regular human sacrifice in the form of chidren thrown live into Baal’s Pit of Fire.

Wall is Baal: and the Big Hair is a clue:


Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


Trump isn’t the only GOPer who deserves criticism. The Freedom Caucus and conservative commentators pretty much forced Trump to accept less and less at each stage. The first cut, 25 billion for DACA was a reasonably good deal for all concerned so the conservative wankers couldn’t hear of it. They view Democrats as the enemy not as the opposition. Can’t let them have anything. This Wall nonsense demonstrates exactly what is wrong when you let cable news and talk radio personalities dictate policy and your President and elected Representatives are either too stupid or weak to tell them to shut the fuck up.


If you combine the $1.375 billion with all the money that Mexico’s kicking in, it comes to a really bigly number. tRump wins again!!!

Their base will believe it if donnie says it’s so.


Two years from now, the “help wanted” ads in the paper will be the same, shitty nursing homes hiring the same certified nursing assistants, to wipe the same asses, on the same night shift, for the same 9 bucks an hour. Some of the asses might be different. Meanwhile, the “for rent” ads will be the same, poorly insulated, moldy, roach-infested studios and one-bedrooms, starting at $500 a month, heat not included. The roaches will be different.

The same, Republican, happy-hour drunks will be drinking the same beers, bitching about the same immigrants taking everyone’s job away. The same bar owners will be bitching how impossible it it to hire good help anymore. There still won’t be any CNA’s in the bar, because they can’t even afford rent, let alone a drink before work.


But Gorsuch!

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After checking out the wall we can all admire Trump’s new clothes.


Earlier on, Hurd called it “frustrating” that Trump and congressional leaders hadn’t been willing or able to negotiate a broader immigration deal that could have gotten the president more of what he wanted in exchange for protections for undocumented immigrants brought here as children.

Rep. Hurd must of missed the whole Gang of Eight kerfuffle, or is just being disingenuous?

On a side note “amnesty” is not something that Republicans seem fond of, unless they were members of Trump’s campaign, colluded with a foreign government to move the election in the direction of Trump, and then they angle for a pardon from Trump. That’s seems funny to me.


That was his gamble: forego getting the Vanity Wall when he could have and them attempt to demonize his opponents for blocking him. It failed: it was his popularity with independents that took the hit.

Apparently, he’s going to use abortion as his next tactic for whipping up his base. If he can cause enough distraction about late term abortions he may be able to protect moderate Republucans who installed far right individuals in our judiciary from receiving the political blowback they so richly deserve. Collins, we’re looking at you.