Discussion: Texas Border Landowners Vow To Reject Buyouts For Trump's Wall

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Well You look like a card carryin’ Republican
I’m Sure your fine Senator Cruz or your equally brilliant governor will back you up 110%


Use of eminent domain down there will cause a huge outcry. But it Trump ever tries to just seize the property and override the Fifth Amendment, the firestorm will make California’s summer look like an arctic winter.


I’m sure that tRump will meet with local landowners and hear them out during his visit today.


According to Lawrence, there are so many snags to this “Wall” business, that it would (under optimum conditions) be months before a shovel hit the ground.

Not to mention Egypt-pyramid levels of effort necessary to lay down 200 miles of wall, let alone 2000.

The Drumpf project

  • Divert attention from Mueller
  • Drown out Nancy’s ascension to power
  • Fire up the Base
  • Hurt Americans

Has succeeded. Oddly, for all the contrasts leveled at Drumpf and Yertle, the aforementioned project items fit both to a “T”


But Eloisa, what about security? Isn’t your head getting cut off all the time? Don’t you want the bad hombres to stop cutting off your head? I think you’re cutting off your noise to spite your face which is on your severed head in the desert getting eaten by Gila monsters. Don’t you even see that as a problem?


Homeland Security officials argue that a wall would stop many crossings and deter Central American families from trying to migrate north.

“Well, I was going to walk thousands of miles north with the Missus and my remaining children after the gangs killed my oldest, but I heard that there’s a wall on the border. Guess I’ll just stay home and watch my family be murdered.”

On what planet would that make sense?


These holdout land owners are a small minority that don’t support the wall. 99.9% of the land owners have called Trump and told him they’d gladly give up their land to build the wall.


Try this:

“I’ve got a two-week visa”

THAT makes sense. The wall does not and both you and I know that


“It’s not about money.”


Why that lousy muslim commie libtard.


Not sure why Trump choose McAllen TX to go and make his case. They hate the wall there, and besides they are like 95% hispanic there, everybody has friends and relatives living in the Mexican side of the border, Trump is as popular as cockroach tacos.


The silence from the comrades at the NRA will be deafening when this all gets a bit Second Amendment-y.


He already disclosed to some TV cats that his trip was bogus.

He didn’t say “doofus” though :laughing:


Does he have a crib sheet?


“Why are my Catholics being so out of step with the program? Don’t they know it’s Infrastructure Week - again?”

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“Legal experts say Trump likely cannot waive eminent domain”

Huh? What is this “likely” crap? It’s an explicit requirement in the Constitution’s Takings Clause that people receive “just compensation”, which has been defined as fair market value of the land taken and the damage to the remainder (usually calculated by simply doing FMV before minus FMV after, instead of FMV of land taken plus severance damages). It’s also a requirement of the 5th Amendment. There’s LITERALLY no “likely” about it. His only hope would be running it up the flagpole to the Fascist Five and having a complicit AG like Barr who thinks the President was meant to be king and can suspend any Constitutional requirements or laws by waving the magic “national emergency” wand.

That being said, there is little to nothing a landowner can do to stop the taking and the cases are generally just valuation/damages fights. In Federal procedure, the government actually sues against the land (those cases you see that are styled like “US v. 20 Acres of Land”), at which point the landowner has to defend and make his claim rejecting the government’s damages figure and claiming for more. Some states do it the other way, like MA, where the gov’t takes the land, pays what it says the damages are and then we come in and file the suit to claim it was not just compensation. The only way to stop the taking itself would be to claim it’s not for a valid public purpose or is in bad faith. The former is almost impossible at this point after the Kelo decision. The latter just wouldn’t work here and is usually only found in cases where, for example, some NIMBY community takes property to block a development that’s in the permitting process and there’s good evidence of that bad faith.


And Mexico won’t pay for the wall either from his lips to his base. He tried to say he never said it then realized there were many many videos of him doing just that.


His photo op visit to the border had better be carefully controlled, or Donnie might find out how border communities really feel about his “wall or barrier or whatever.” And that would give Donnie a sad.


And here’s the best “snag” yet (from Daily Beast):smile:


DHS Test Cut Right Through Trump’s Border Wall Steel Slats with a Saw: Report

…Testing by DHS in late 2017 showed all eight prototypes, including Trump’s favored steel slats, were vulnerable to breaching, according to a Customs and Border Protection report from last February. CBP spokesman Ralph DeSio said the prototypes “were not and cannot be designed to be indestructible,” and can only “impede or deny efforts to scale, breach, or dig under such a barrier, giving agents time to respond.” [/quote]

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

ETA: Here’s a photo:

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