Discussion: Texas AG Held In Contempt For Blocking Gay Marriage Agrees To Record Change

Discussion for article #239272

What an azz*hole. See, in TX Republican officials are always for the rule of law…unless and until they personally disagree with the court’s findings. Then, of course, it’s all extra-legal, runaway liberal judges, etc. I do hope the judge jails this clown for at least 30 days and only then allows him to come forth in court to explain his actions.


There’s nothing here to suggest the judge actually made a ruling of contempt — click bait


The actual hearing is this Wed. at 10:00 a.m.

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See, here’s the thing. If a judge orders you to appear, and you don’t, that is contempt. Trying to weasel out of a contempt hearing is not a shield, nor is being “a constitutional officer”


Slick Billy is not so slick as he thinks.
C’mon judge. Line 'em up-- and knock 'em down.



It seems like Texas will be brought kicking and dragging their feet into the 21st century. This was, in essence, a very minor and somewhat “trivial” issue, (although NOT trivial to the party involved), so I’m sort of waiting for the Texas AG to be brought up on charges of obstruction of justice in his (supposed) refusal to allow for the issuance of marriage licenses in any of the jurisdiction that is part of the state of Texas. THAT will be a major issue

I wonder if the current AG’s great grandparents were once slave-owners running a cotton plantation, that would make sense. That would be interesting research into why this dullard got to be so dumb.

I also understand that a complaint has been filed with the TX Bar over his erroneous and illegal advice to State employees. Waiting for that hearing as well.


yeah… Nixon tried to make that argument too… if the President does it its not illegal… how that one work out?


Can I hold him in contempt for just being a contemptible piece of criminal scum?


Paxton’s original response to the contempt citation included the statement “All you f*ing gays can eat st and die, too!!!”, which the press office wisely redacted from the final filing.

Then they added “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

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He’s trying to refuse to appear. With luck, that federal judge will slap the shit out of him later today.

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If he doesn’t appear, he’s going to be in a world of hurt. His explanation of why he shouldn’t have to is the silliest thing I’ve read for a while.

He’s not only a terrible human being, he’s a shitty lawyer too.


The headline is strikingly misleading, TPM. From the article:

But that was not before U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia ordered Paxton to appear in court and explain why he shouldn't be held in contempt for enforcing state laws that impede gay marriage rights.


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I know. That headline blows.

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Wouldn’t it be simpler to go ahead and hold ALL TeaPub AGs Contemptuous…

and then figure out who’s not?

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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton … as in …
“recently arrested & Indicted on Securities Charges - Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton” that Ken Paxton?


Because the “legal advice” the state’s top legal officer gives to employees of the state’s executive branch is just a serving suggestion and carries no real weight at all?


Yea minor but if it ends up being that every single similar case requires litigation then not so minor.

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Though they’re probably gutless - especially when it comes to Republicans - he should be disbarred. At least, the state bar ought to be looking into it seriously.

All websites are “click bait” for goodness sake. What a silly criticism.