Discussion: Texas AG Held In Contempt For Blocking Gay Marriage Agrees To Record Change

This guy is such an asshole.Hope he does face a court and is charged with more than just one charge.

When the SCOTUS determined that the anti-gay marriage restrictions were unconstitutional, by default that meant gays have always had the right to marry as well as have their marriages recognized.

The SCOTUS decision is therefore ā€œretroactiveā€ to at least the ratification of the 14th Amendment. Paxton needs to encourage all clerks (and other officials) to immediately correct any erroneous paperwork in their jurisdictions.

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Your headline would be libelous if Paxton werenā€™t a public figure, and it comes close anyway. He may be contemptible (he is, IMO), but he hasnā€™t been held in contempt. Heā€™s been ordered to appear for a hearing to determine whether contempt will lie in the case. Thereā€™s a fairly substantial difference, donā€™t you know.


This POS Paxton, already under felony indictment, realizes he could really be held in contempt. Thus heā€™s trying to weasel his way out of appearing in court.

ā€œThat boy, I say that boy is as sharp as a bag of bowling balls.ā€


Yep. Then let ā€œGodā€ figure it all out. Iā€™ll play ā€œGod.ā€ Iā€™m a vengeful almighty SOB, so please have your guns and pistols ready. These effers arenā€™t going to like how I ā€œfigure it all out.ā€ Letā€™s just say, what I order for the first 1,000 of them should put the fear of me in the rest of them. :smile:

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Isnā€™t everyone supposed to be equal under the law? Why is this asshole getting special treatment? Do your job, judge!! Slap his ass with contempt!

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The judge postponed the hearing at 3:20 pm yesterday when Paxton agreed in a teleconference to allow death certificates to acknowledge same-sex marriages, and to issue new guidelines allowing same-sex couples to be listed as parents on a childā€™s birth certificate, said Neel Lane, the lawyer for a Conroe man who sued Texas to be listed as the husband on his male spouseā€™s death certificate.

Garcia issued a short order Monday rescheduling the contempt hearing for
Sept. 10 to allow a ā€œglobal resolution of the issuesā€ raised.

Both the governor and the Attorney General in Texas need to be kicked out of office for failure to abide by the Constitution which they claim to hold dear.