Discussion: Tennessee's GOP House Passes Bill Targeting Voter Registration Drives

and the fascistgop’s march toward a one party system continues.


Boy oh boy don’t those America-lovin’ republicans really love the idea of making this country a fascist state? There can no longer be any doubt of that.


Kinda ironic that Tennessee is the so-called “Volunteer State”…


Why is the GOP so afraid of our democracy?


Pretty sure this violates the constitution wrt the 5th amendment. If it’s illegal to submit too many ‘deficient’ registrations, and it’s illegal to not submit them, then something has to give.


So is this what they mean by State Voting Right issues? The State has the right to restrict voting registration.


“our” implies socialism.


“We don’t need none of them young and dark people votin’, a Tennessee GOP official told reporters. “It’s bad ‘nuff them older ones do”, he added. “We jus’ ain’t happy when those people get uppity. It’s gettin’ that real Murikens can’t order them around no more.”


So the guys in the democratically elected legislature wants to make it harder to participate in the democracy. I wonder what they fear?


This is all part of trying to manufacture evidence of voter fraud and I really wonder why nobody in the MSM talks about it that way. They’re enacting ridiculous, unnecessarily strict registration rules SPECIFICALLY to lay traps and then point at violation of unnecessary, needlessly complex and restrictive rules as evidence of “the Dems and their Darky Masses” trying to cheat and steal the country from its rightful whiteful Christian overlords.


Being replaced.


The whole insurance industry is practical socialism. We privatize the gain (filers can receive payment on a claimed loss), but we socialize the loss (everyone pays the premium which makes the claim payment possible). That works for all kinds of insurance whether health, property and casualty, or professional liability. That’s why socialism is bad?

Wall Street sure wasn’t crying “socialism” when their mortgage-backed securities cratered the economy and we socialized the loss by government dumping money into them. (And they privatized the gain when they got their sales commissions before and their bonuses afterwards!)


The Republicans will continue to do this everywhere they have power, and this will extend their hold on that power. It’s going to take a large amount of work to make voting into a proper right, protected by law and unable to be interfered with. It’s really akin in scope to the Civil Rights movement, but it hardly gets any notice, which allows the Republicans to continue to undermine our democracy. The Democrats will vote in new voting rights legislation once they hold Congress and the presidency again, all Americans really should be working to make that happen as soon as possible just to make sure that we all have an equal voice in what happens to the nation.


Once again, I am embarrassed by our legislature.

This is being fought against, but the right-wing nut-bars are in charge in Nashville.


“Ah, hell, that ought to teach Taylor Swift to stick her pretty little head in our business. Bet she won’t do that again!”

Saw this article yesterday, and was apoplectic. To expand on your post, vote registration canvassers are legally required to turn in all registrations/signatures, even if it is signed as “Mickey Mouse”, which does happen. So, TN in its infinite wisdom, is legally requiring all registrations to be turned in, and at the same time fining or jailing canvassers who have fake registrations through no fault of their own. It is a perfect Catch-22.

One could even argue that Repubs in heavy Dem areas (and vice versa) could sign Mickey Mouse registrations to screw the canvasers and invalidate the entire registration lists.

Meanwhile. Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows think this is A-OK.


All the GOP understands at this point is raw power. Pure and simple. They don’t care about America. They don’t care about the Constitution. They don’t care about patriotism, and haven’t cared for decades. They’re basically like a less classy, dumber version of the Borg. They can’t be reasoned with, they can’t be negotiated with. They can only be stopped and destroyed.
My understanding is that it’s illegal to block one American citizen from voting. This is an attempt to block thousands of American citizens for voting.
We should prosecute the GOPer who sponsored this bill. I’m not kidding. Kris Kobach, Ron deSantis, Brian Kemp–freeze their assets, put them on trial, send them to prison for decades. THEN, and only then, will the GOP stop breaking the law.


So there will be another law suit if this passes. I would hope that at some point the cost of this type of reckless legislating will fall onto the legislator that proposed it, and any other legislator that voted to pass it.

Just watched ‘Reconstruction: America After the Civil War’ a few nights ago. The tactics in America aren’t violent today, but the goal is the same: Disenfranchise everyone that opposes you.

Oh, and the documentary was quite good.