Whats that you say? People protected by DACA aren’t just murdering gang members? SHOCKING!!!
Veerrrrry interesting development.
So, what are they up to now? What can they hit us with that will be even worse???
Dare I DREAM? Might the Nazi-in-Chief actually allow this program to stand?
Exactly like promising ACA repeal. Good for getting the stupidest, meanest people in the base all sexed up, but once unexpectedly faced with the possibility of actually accomplishing the mean-spirited thing they’re demanding and realizing the political implications of inflicting harm on such a vast scale, suddenly it’s a whole other thing.
I don’t know what made Slattery come to his senses,but good for him. I am not surprised that Paxton,who is a clone of anyone who is stupid and arrogant, is opposed to DACA.
The light dawns!
“When the people lead, the leaders will follow.” The people have led.
Slatery has no senses to come to.
What he does have are finely tuned political antennae that told him he’d make a fool of himself if he kept on with the suit.
Gov. Haslam isn’t fond of the bill either—although Bill has so little spine that he can’t say it publicly.
Help, please. I am confused. Am I supposed to believe that a Republican Attorney General of a Southern state, Tennessee no less, has suddenly grown a heart?
Related questions:
Are chocolate chip cookies now calorie free?
How will pigs be kept on the farm if all of 'em can now fly?
“There is a human element to this, however, that is not lost on me and should not be ignored.”
You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Slatery, and the GOP will not have it!
"Alert! Alert! Alert!
Republican borg has been breached! Repeat: Republican borg has been breached.
Countermeasures will commence immediately to eradicate human contagion."
No. He’s a dog who just suddenly realized he was about to catch the car. A politician who realized that the images of fully Americanized kids being arrested by ICE at school and dragged away, professionals pulled out of their offices, even soldiers pulled out of their units, and deported to a country they never really knew was, even in Tennessee, going to create a political shit shower and and he didn’t want any of it sticking to him.
“Many of the DACA recipients, some of whose records I reviewed, have outstanding accomplishments and laudable ambitions, which if achieved, will be of great benefit and service to our country,” he continued. “They have an appreciation for the opportunities afforded to them by our country.”
So … “And some of them I assume are good people.”
And one of them is either close to a family member or a donor’s family member. Or they have something on him.
And more surprising coming from Tennessee. They are not exactly compassionate over there, and they certainly don’t like furriners.
So yeah, they must be thinking on something worse, maybe enslaving them or chopping them up and selling the organs.
More likely a brain. And the brain is suggesting, in the interest of its fellow body part, that they not shoot themselves in the foot over this.
Of course Texas will pursue the lawsuit. Abbott, Patrick & Paxton are meaner than a barrel of snakes. They must appeal to lowest of lowest base, as they’ve got nothing else. Two of Abbott’s signature legislative accomplishments from this year’s lege just got blocked by federal judges - his Sanctuary Cities law and his Abortion blocking attempt.
I bet Trump ends DACA, because of, well, you go down there:
The word has gone out that killing DACA will be a repeat of California’s Prop 187, only bigger.
@sickofitall That’s GAY Paree to you!
Especially “after they’ve seen Paree”.
Not sure if this is relevant, but an article in Reuters (yesterday?) looked at the impact to Houston of removing illegal immigrants, who (it turns out) do the overwhelming majority of construction work in the Houston area. Basically, Houston would be unable to rebuild – possibly for decades – if these folks were deported.