Discussion: Ted Cruz Working Around The Clock To Appear Likable

“And now it’s a class video that they’re sending out to all the parents,” she said as her mom and the audience burst into laughter.

Cruz quickly tried to change the subject.

… after muttering, “fucking little bitch” under his breath.

For me it’s just as well that he’s toast. I would like to have heard him defend many of his bizarre ideas but now whenever I see his picture I can’t get “I need a Bogel for the Glotch” out of my head. (From Bad Lip Reading.)

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You’re likable enough, Ted.
No, I’m sorry. That was a lie.

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What does it tell you that a headline that even ended up being written in the first place?

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Caroline “got to dress up daddy” in a pink boa and “big goofy-looking underwear.”

Going for the Giuliani vote.

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I hope no one gets hurt during this experiment ! —

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I just checked and each day is about 117 earth days long on Venus. Cruz will need every minute of that extra time to make this plan work! Plus the surface is like 450 degrees Fahrenheit which will make for a nice ambiance.

The boa and the underwear … are we sure he’s not having DC Madame flashbacks?!?


Perhaps he should push his Grandpa Munster looks?

A vampire would be far more lovable than an egotistical religious fanatic who didn’t renounce his Canadian citizenship until he was forced to do it so he could run for president of the United States. We still don’t know where his real loyalties lie.


Ted Cruz’s dad is actually my dad.
Because I’m actually Ted Cruz.

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Talk about a fool’s errand.

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Isn’t it still a little early for etchasketches? Let alone announcing it.

Ted Crazy 2016-He’s not a jerk, Really! (and It fits on a campaign button,too)

The past is prologue to the present. He is not likable. Never has been. Never will be.

Shorter Cruz: You have to be human to win the Presidency? Who knew?!?

He’s got his work cut out for him…

Hey – it seems that Mr. Trump’s efforts to make himself seem like less of a tornado are sort of working – so Sen. Cruz might as well try it. There hasn’t been anything to date that he’s done to make himself likable – so anything he might try can only improve his persona.

The Donald is not an ideologue and actually is probably more liberal on social issues than most RWNJ’s.