Discussion for article #227786
Throwing the word “social” into any damn thing you toss out there gets the wingnuts all lathered up and Ted is smart enough to know that.
What a Bag of Douche
Oh, and BTW Ted, remember when we invaded Iraq? The US paid for UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE for every goddamned person living in Iraq while we had jack shit here.
I wish a pig would eat him, but they won’t eat just any damn thing.
An extra - large bag.
Cruz could play all of the leaders, in his mind.
Cruz’s drooling idiocy demands a social worker but will only get softball interviews.
Well Cruz did get that Purple Heart in Vietnam after all…or was it in the second Battle of Ypres?
A bit off topic, but a question. Does Alberta Rafael ever shampoo his hair?
Its almost like he’s in the same conversation. Almost.
But doesn’t he, though?
Tell me Cruz doesn’t resemble Sen. Joe McCarth of “Red Scare” fame in the 1950’s
Compare the image here with the one with the article:
He’s got about 5 years left in which he can still pull off that combover.
What a complete foreign policy and military moron.
Wow - Just as you posted, he knows the phrase “social work” will rile up his base. I can’t believe, however, that he wasn’t embarrassed to ask these questions of Hagel and Dempsey (or did Cruz just use those code words with Hannity?)
TeD cRUZ PRoves THE poiNT that beCAUSE NObama HAs LEt aLL the GAy serVE ANd DEmaSCULAting OUR soldIERS BY NOT LEtting THEM RAPe GIRL SOLDIERs, HE HAS turNED AMerICA’s MiLitary INTO eFFeTe, Limp-WRISTEd SOcial WORKers ONLY aBLE to DISPense MAdicAId AND SNAP!!!1!!1one!!!1!!!
There’s a reason Alberta Rafael didn’t run for Senate in his native Canada. Canada has a constitutional queen and is not in the market for one of the drama variety.
Two differences between them are that McCarthy experienced combat first hand and that he obviously abused alcohol.
Senator Cruz-to-bear dispenses his hate stone-cold sober.
The GOPers’ alleged genius just displayed a huge amount of ignorance. Common sense dictates the necessity of gaining the trust and assistance of the country the military needs to accomplish its goals.
This guy is a stain on the Senate.