Discussion: Ted Cruz: Second Amendment Is A Check 'Against Government Tyranny'

Discussion for article #235370

Time for a hunting trip with Dick Cheney, Ted.


But for the 2nd, we’d be forced to decide whether to oppose or welcome our duck, grouse and pheasant overlords.


Ted knows that he is part of Government, right? Right?


All of these clowns on the right including Carnival Cruz are clones of each other, just with different bulbous red noses and face paint. Name any issue and I guarantee their positions and litmus tests are exactly the same and indistinguishable from one another. The only difference like I say, is the clown makeup.


Has Cruz kept up with all the advances in modern military weaponry? How is that shotgun going to stop a drone missile strike fired from 25 miles away?


Cruz advocating for killing govt officials we don’t like? Careful Ted you could be in the crosshairs.


It is a Constitutional right to protect your children, your family, your
home, our lives, and to serve as the ultimate check against
governmental tyranny – for the protection of liberty," Cruz wrote to

UNLESS there’s a Republican president in office. In which case, everyone needs to just stand down, take a deep breath and obey your Republican President.


What exactly are the criteria to determine when we are experiencing “Government Tyranny” Ted?


“Tyranny” is being forced to see that smarmy mug on a regular basis for the next two years.


I’m pretty liberal, have never owned nor fired a weapon, and my positions on firearms most certainly would not be appreciated by the NRA.

But I would actually agree that the strongest argument for the right to bear arms is as yet another check and balance against the government. I’m not sure it’s a good argument, but it’s the best argument to be made for it. Of course that doesn’t make any of the gun toting idiots I’ve seen lately claiming we need a revolution any less disturbing.

Nice photo: No doubt he is preparing for a one man “Bay of Pigs” invasion.

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The notion that some yokels with rifles could face down “government tyranny” was already a quaint notion when the Second Amendment was adopted. By the mid-1800’s, it was plainly absurd, and has become only more so with the passing decades.

And of course, it’s worked so well for those who believed themselves to be tyrannized - Shays’ Rebellion, the Whiskey Rebellion, the Confederate States, and so on, all the way down to our own proud “sovereign citizens.”


“It is a Constitutional right to protect your children, your family, your home, our lives, and to serve as the ultimate check against governmental tyranny – for the protection of liberty,”

Yeah, I can just see the Founders writing the Second Amendment with “and if you don’t like what we’re doing, you can shoot us,” in mind.


Yes, because if the government decides to come at you with all its enforcement power, your guns are going to do you a lot of good. BTW, I do believe Adam Lanza’s mother stockpiled weapons for that very reason, and look how well it worked out for her. Thanks, Senator Cruz and the NRA!


What these boneheads don’t realize is that we have guns too and we’re MUCH better shots.

I’m old enough to remember when Republicans were the “Law and Order” party.

Now they’ve become the “Outlaw and Disorder” party.


It’s amazing how quickly these yahoos forget that the Founders were the government. Talk about the ruling elites - they epitomized it. Mt. Vernon and Monticello were hardly 18th Century versions of trailer parks, which is where most of today’s gun fondlers dwell.


I’ve suggested this before… the reason that there is a 2nd Amendment that enshrined the technology of the day as a defense for personal liberty… that was a great argument in the 18th century… flintlock muskets and pistols might actually allow someone to defend their liberty when they were shooting at someone with pretty equal firepower but there isn’t any way it would stand up against the modern armed forces weapons of today…

if that amendment was written today it be something along the lines of guaranteeing people the right to own a computer and access to the internet free of government interference because that’s the overriding technology today… as seen in the ‘Arab Spring’ uprisings computer and the internet are pretty powerful…


Give me 'net neutrality, or give me death!!!

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