Black Cube kompromat on Cruz? Trump has a history of having his enemies investigated by private dick/spy agencies.
So literally, the great Harvard debater, never in his academic studies, examined the issue of Executive power and constitutionality?
Come on Harvard grads, dig up some dirt! I am calling his office, inquiring minds want to know.
Poor, poor, lyin’ Ted, trying to remain relevant. Sad.
Look at that photo. Mike Myers needs to do this guy.
And it was 17 tweets long! Oh the humidity!
The thing is, he did study the pardon power a number of years ago. I guess it just took him 18 seconds to decide if he was going to lie or not!
Ted Cruz is a jerk to everybody at the same time.
Not sure this is news.
I am ambivalent about Conservatives using the Constitution as toilet paper. On the one hand it’s TREASON, on the other the ink from back then is probably a carcinogen.
That 18 seconds was an abbreviated homage to Nixon.
Since WHOM is not enumerated in the Constitution among the persons who can be pardoned, Trump is not a person whom Trump can pardon.
Given the s**t that comes out of their mouth they more often use it as a napkin.
I guess the firmware update didn’t fix that 1.5-2 second pause mid-sentence. It appears we may also have a hardware problem.
Um, I think the answer is Beto O’Rourke … and that photo of Ted is a classic. It’s just got “punch me” all over it.
His thought process during that 18 seconds: If I say what I wrote for the Harvard journal in 2015, Trump will be mad. He’ll accuse my Dad of assassinating Kennedy or he’ll say my wife is ugly. He’ll call me names!
= Coward
Read the rest of the thread here.
What if he did in rhyme?
So it was a sin of omission instead of emission?
“You have to understand that I like Ted Cruz probably more than my colleagues like Ted Cruz, and I hate Ted Cruz.” – former U.S. Senator Al Franken
Since the Koch brothers are going after Trump on tariffs, I thought that might have stiffened Ted’s spine a little bit - but perhaps he’s taking his marching orders from the Mercers now…
Well, there’s another Beto O’Rourke campaign ad. Thanks, Ted!
Folks need to lay off Ol’ Tailgunner Ted. He had to load a new programming cardstack before answering, and it takes a while on these older models.