Discussion: Ted Cruz: 'I Stand With Kim Davis'

Discussion for article #240107

Excellent! Go put your ‘fine’ self in the Federal Slammer in KY!


JE SUIS Kim DAVIs, LIBtards!1!!!one!!1!!!


So, this fugly prick will be standing in the cold outside her jail? Working pro bono as a lawyer? Sending her money for her PX account?

Oh, right, he’ll do nothing but jabber because that’s all he does.


This is a case study for a Canadian’s understanding of US constitution.


Oh for fuck’s sake. Was there anyone who ever got less out of their time at Harvard Law? She’s not being jailed for her beliefs, she’s being jailed for refusing to follow a court order to do her freaking job as a public official.


It looks like Ted’s standing with Kim might have worked. Sounds like judge is having a hearing on whether or not to release her if she doesn’t interfere with clerks who have agreed to issue marriage licenses.

It just forces me to ask, yet again…

Is there any GOP candidate that is advocating for something that is actually legal and constitutional?


‘I Stand With Kim Davis for anarchy’
Not doing her job and being selective as to which laws she will obey is …anarchy. For Cruz to support this should be an impeachable offense since it goes against his oath to defend and support the Constitution…


Yeah, I saw that briefly…sort of blows my mind, but I am going with I didn’t get the pertinent facts yet before I lose it.

The short answer would be…no.

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“. . . every lover of liberty to stand with Kim Davis.”

No Ted, every lover of liberty will stand with the law. We are a nation of laws, as you yourself have often said, and those laws protect our freedom. And if some law does not protect our freedom, we have mechanisms to change it. Defying the law arouses attention, but also has consequences, as most every fighter for civil rights understands.

In this case I side with the judge. Kim Davis has every right to her religious liberty, but she cannot use that right to block the rights of others. She can follow the law, or she can resign, or she will spend some time in jail.


Wonder when is the last time Senator has graced the doors of a church ?

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It’s like if the Selma march had sex with the torn down Berlin wall and had a baby. We’re LITERALLY living history. Wow.


This bulb is getting dimmer by the day.


You KNOW that the low case wannabes are trying to beat each other to KY to stand beside the HypocriteKim for photo ops, and a bump in their SuperPACS.

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Indeed, she should at least have to stay the night, over the holiday weekend would be better…


…and still no shame among any of them

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Imprison Cruz then.



“Today, judicial lawlessness crossed into judicial tyranny,” Cruz said. “Today, for the first time ever, the government arrested a Christian woman for living according to her faith.”

Rosa Parks, jackass. If the belief that all people should be treated equally because they are all equal in the eyes of God isn’t among the Christian tenets, then I don’t know what is.