Discussion for article #244107
Elitist Canadian, hedge fund wife…a hick? Hardly.
Ted Cruz is shoring up voters who would never in 60 lifetimes vote for HRC. Good strategy. Love this response.
“Hillary Clinton is fighting to expand people’s voting rights, and that’s a case she’ll make anywhere, anytime,” Reynolds said. “Respecting voters means allowing them to vote, not systematically trying to weaken that right, as Senator Cruz and his party have done. Instead of offering insults, Senator Cruz should discuss why he’s consistently supported efforts that make it harder for Alabamians and many Americans to vote.”
Princeton/Harvard, yo. And really, is there anyone geekier in than Cruz? Will the Bubbas vote for a mean nerd? Really?
Ignorant rubes?
We are now the Divided States of America.
We are divided by education levels.
If the population of a state has at least 32.4% of its population with at least a four year college degree there is a 100% chance that it will vote for a Democrat in a presidential election.
If less than 24% of its population have at least 4 year college degrees there is a 90% chance that the Republican nominee will get their electoral votes.
This link will take you to a list of the best and worst educated states http://www.foxbusiness.com/personal-finance/2012/10/15/americas-best-and-worst-educated-states/
You will see that President Obama carried the ten best educated states while Romney carried nine of the ten worst educated states.
They look down on the southern states like we’re a bunch of hicks.
Trump: Of course they are. Why would they vote for me otherwise. Or even think of voting for a Candian born communist’s son.
Miller to Trump’s Goldwater…
Well, in all of my 67 years, I’ve never heard the term “northern hick.” I wonder why?
“Urban Redneck” is not unheard of in the SW side of Chicago.
Hillary : Please proceed, Senator.
This is not a battle Cruz should be engaging in. This brings the closures back into the national spotlight to show once again how the GOP is trying to restrict voting.
Better yet, she’s not even directly engaging him. She’s placed him at the level of a campaign spokesperson.
Too bad cruz has no argument to support why the voter suppression move to close these DMV offices. All he can do is whine that everyone picks on southern states. What a loser.
Hillary Clinton thinks we’re just a bunch ignorant rubes and we need to be governed by what she deems as moral and philosophical
Actually, Cruz agrees they are ignorant rubes. What he disagrees with is that he thinks they should be governed by what he deems as moral and philosophical.
They are always the victims. Always and forever more.
It’s exactly the same argument that was made by George Wallace, Ross Barnett, Strom Thurmond, etc. back in the bad old days of Jim Crow: You elitist Northerners are just pickin’ on us poor little ole southern folk.
The typical Rovian/GOP sophistry and spin game from Cruz et al. Attack your opponent on your own weaknesses while playing the victim.
Cruz opens his mouth. Shit spews out. End of story.
Ted’s from the state that doesn’t believe it’s in the United States and only wants to recede (secede?). Do it. Happy holidays to you too and all other TPMers.
Hillary’s been on debating teams since 1964 when she was in high school. She is as at ease and comfortable in the debate arena, so if Cruz had more than a reptilian brain he’d think twice about taking her on in a verbal matchup.
a lot of us think of you as a carpetbagging asshole Canadian-Cuban that flooded the South during Reconstruction willing to sell out anyone and everything in order to get elected…
Jeb!? told us Hillary would play the victim because Trumpet dissed her. I’ve seen no signs of it.