Discussion: Ted Cruz Calls Paris Attacks An 'Unmistakable Escalation' By ISIS

Discussion for article #242838

You just going to Drop nuclear bombs on Syria or what? .


Piss off you whacko loon.


What a premature and foolish statement. Though I guess it should be expected from such a joke of a Senator and pretend candidate for POTUS.


Speak in sound bites, but say nothing. The Republican way. Donā€™t bother asking him what heā€™d actually do beyond mouthing talking points.


Can someone, anyone please, PLEASE shut those idiotsā€™ f* mouth.


All the terrorist experts being interviewed on TV say the attack is too sophisticated to be ISIS,
and is most likely Al Qaeda. LOL!


We must immediately recognize that our enemy is not ā€˜violent extremism.ā€™
It is the radical Islamism that has declared jihad against the west.

Gee, nobody would know the attacks were committed by radical Islamists if Cruz hadnā€™t pointed it out for us folks lacking his deep insight. But most people think radical Islamism is, in fact, violent extremism. I wonder why Cruz thinks radical Islamism isnā€™t violent extremism.


The interesting point is he skips right over the one attack that occurred in between that ISIS IS taking credit for and is pretty much universally being assigned to them, the bombing in Beirut. I assume because those people donā€™t matter?


Politico has an informative about the ā€œErasmusā€ circle of terrorists in Europe that has ties to ISIS. Most of the members are Muslims in their 20s and male; some are female. All have European citizenship, thus have European passports to travel with. Once recruited, they go to Turkey as tourists, cross the border into ISIS-controlled Syria, for about 3 weeks of bonding with other like-minded European ā€œtouristsā€ over weapons/explosives training and rudimentary urban terror tactics.

The ā€œtouristsā€ then cross back into Turkey and return home to Europe with ā€œvacationā€ memorys and some new ā€œfriendsā€. ISIL trains them to operate independently in small cells, which choose their own targets and plan their own attacks. There was nothing in todayā€™s Paris attacks that was too sophisticated, either in scale or timing, for such an ISIL-inspired cell to carry out.

The Politico article provides many more details, of course, about the estimated number of such ā€œErasmusā€ types by country, their ability to hide in plain sight and travel freely throughout the entire EU confederation, etc. Well worth a gander.

Tip for Senator Cruz: Such terrorists are ā€œhome grownā€ citizens, so they can blend in as regular folk; they are not ISIL operatives sneaking into the country as obviously foreign refugees who may not even speak American English.


Rot in hell Cruz you political hackā€¦ you are trying to feed on these peopleā€™s deaths for your campaign momentum.

Just like Romney instantly politicizing and blaming Hillary while Benghazi was still happening, Cruz is issuing statements to politicize this without knowing any facts. There you have it, Cruz again demonstrates through action why he is utterly unworthy to be president.


Is it too much to ask for Cruz to actually maybe wait a few days to find out who actually did this before shooting off his big mouth for political gain?


Facebook offers interesting insights on nights like theseā€¦ my Left leaning friends are full of sorrow, empathy and a desire to help. My Right leaning friends are mad, seeking vengeance and retribution and somehow blaming the President for his part in this (I kid you not ā€“ they seem to think that somehow heā€™s responsible for, or not doing enough regarding, an attack on another sovereign nation).

Freakinā€™ whack-a-loons, the lot of them.


Why would he? Wā€™s crew didnā€™t even wait for the dust to clear before there were ā€˜Iraq did thisā€™ rumors being whispered to the press.


One can not argue with a Fucking Prick!

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Another GOP drummer beating the war drum. A GOP president takes us to war in the first 100 days of their term, GUARANTEED!


Dudeā€™s a genius. How does he figure this sh!t out? Itā€™s amazing.


Thatā€™s the same thing Romney did during Benghazi. Started running his mouth off before they knew what was going on.

They try to say that Benghazi was bad for Obama and Clintonā€™s image. Yes, it was a tragedy, but itā€™s not like their campaign hinged on it.


So , Mr Carson isnā€™t the only one with ā€™ intelligence ā€™ . /s

Let the fear mongering begin by these politicians. I am never going to let this fear pandering change how I live. Remember the color coded terror warnings?

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