Liz Cheney already came out and tweeted it’s all Obama’s fault. Just ignore them. They are NOISE and ate up that Obama has done a good job. I’d vote for Obama in 2016 in a heartbeat. I will miss Obama after he is out of office. BUT I will remain resolute in supporting the DEM nominee.
REMEMBER those neo cons that live in the GOP. They are hiding under a rock and will spring back out if a Republican is elected President.
"We must make it crystal clear that affiliation with ISIS and related terrorist groups brings with it the undying enmity of America—that it is, in effect, signing your own death warrant.”
They were suicide bombers you moron. They came to the party with their death warrants already signed.
Cruz and Carson know more than international agencies, agencies and intelligence generally… How is it that he knows this was ISIS? Of course the other option is he is an opportunist S.O.B. Trying to stir up the base on the backs of over 120 dead people in Paris for his political gain. Where have wre fallen to?
In the form of explosive belts.
Which fact tells me these pukes had cased these sites in Paris previously.
Just announced on CNN…one of these pukes was a French citizen. I expect he was a returnee from Syria.
Let’s face it, this is good for the religious extremist franchise, whatever the denomination. We can expect to hear the christo-fascists calling for blood because Jesus.
There are those who want Armageddon, part of their self-fulfilling prophecy. Imagine someone with a literal belief in scripture as commander-in-chief. Cruz hides it here, but he is one of them.
Sen. Ted Cruz appears to be operating under the incorrect premise that anyone is interested in his opinion in what has occurred!. Now, if something occurs in Calgary, we would be most interested in his opinion. As for now, let his press staff waste their fingerclicks!
The blinding and breathtaking irony of Carnival Cruz’ incendiary brain farts is that European and American Right wingers like himself share many of the same ‘conservative’ values as ISIS/ISIL …from the place of women in society, the theocratic guidance of specific religious constructs over all, and the loathing of variations in sexuality to the validity of summary justice, wholesale intolerance and the necessity for men to be armed to the fu*king teeth.
It appears it turned out to be. But so what, doesn’t mean Cruz was right in this context. He’s a presidential candidate, and at the point that the nutjob issued that statement it wasn’t yet identified as the IS. Remember Romney’s Benghazi moment. Or McCain’s “We are all Georgians” moment. Those reckless Rethug whackjobs are all totally unfit for the office. Among those candidates who reacted last night, only Hillary showed what leadership should be like.
This is an excellent point to make because Jeb! was on Hugh Hewitt mumbling bravely about how you can’t think of this in terms of police action because it’s WWWAAAARRRRRR. How in the god-damn hell he proposes to wage WAAAARRRRR on people with valid passports moving about freely in one’s own country he didn’t really clarify. If police action had identified the attackers in Paris and gotten them locked up, we wouldn’t be talking about police action in disparaging ways. When it does work and the attacks are thwarted, the headlines don’t erupt around the world. Jeb, in short, is an idiot.
Cruz, at least, specifies what he’d do—civilian casualties are cool with him, no problemo. Identifying Islam as the enemy? Sure, why not, how could that go wrong? In other words, he’s responding to this provocation with a firm, clear dedication to doing exactly what the terrorists want us to do. They want invasions, they want martyrdom, they want us to declare that Islam is the enemy. What they don’t want is the apartment door bursting open and police piling in while they’re standing there with a coffee cup still in their hand. They don’t want to be thrown to the floor, cuffed, and hustled off to jail, to a trial, and then to disappear in a prison. They don’t want police action. But it’s not politically expedient for a Republican candidate to say that and if their dedication to doing what seems tough and manly actually gets more people killed, well, you know what? Stuff happens. I’ll say this because I’m getting myself a little steamed up: At least the fucking terrorists believe in something. The GOP folks are provably willing to let others be killed to increase their own status. Human life is less important to them than their lust to have luxury and power. All the contempt you can muster isn’t equal to what they deserve.
We must make it crystal clear that affiliation with ISIS and related terrorist groups brings with it the undying enmity of America—that it is, in effect, signing your own death warrant.”
Okay, are we absolutely sure it wasn’t Murdoch? Because an election is right around the corner and Fox has to turn the fear dial up over something because that’s why it exists: to generate hysterical fear and anxiety to amp up the crazy old white people and get 'em out to vote. And so far, the lack of snowflakes on Starbucks cups doesn’t seem to be getting it done.