Discussion: Ted Cruz Calls On John Kerry To Resign

Discussion for article #222123

Really? Dude, you’re stupid.

That’s all I have to say to this moron.


I wish Cruz would resign. Because he’s a dickweed and has nothing substantial to offer to ANY discussion on any topic.


Who the FK cares what Ted Cruz thinks???


Too bad for Teddy that these EXACT SAME WORDS were used by then ISRAELI Defense Minister (and former Prime Minister) EHUD BARAK just 4 years ago.
Seriously, Ted, you CAN’T really be THAT ignorant of the facts, are you?


Yes John should resign for telling the truth [eye roll]


I love that picture of Cruz. You rarely see someone with the courage to openly advertise his IQ.

Or did he just pick a winner? :blush:


As a person of Jewish heritage and as someone who has studied the history of the Jewish people, there is one lesson that always always always is true in the modern era: Right-wing haters are never ever our friends.

Ted, F you.

PS: This is probably just a play for the Neo-con donors, especially that shame-of-the-Jews Sheldon Adelson.


“shocking lack of sensitivity to the incendiary and damaging nature of his rhetoric.”

From the king of incendiary and damaging rhetoric.


Isn’t it ever the case. It’s amazing how proscribed the Israeli-Palestinian debate is in this county (c.f. this clown and Chris Christie’s sin of calling the occupied territories, well, the occupied territories) compared to on the ground over there.

Plus, Princeton, between Cruz and Alito, you’ve got some 'splainin to do…


Kerry just told the truth. Too many people have died. The world is weary. America is weary. Its way past time for Israel and the Palestinians to solve their problems diplomatically.


Really? resign? If anyone should resign it is you Tailgunner. You,. yes YOU cost the USA $23 Billion with your demented “shutdown” the Govt. campaign. Move back to Canada.


ll Duce is at it again.


This man needs professional help and a straight jacket.


Hah! Go suck on a bunch of lemons dipshit. Carny Cruz is in need of mo’ money I see for his fundraising efforts. I don’t even need to read the article on half of these dimwits anymore to see what they’re up to…Go back to Canada arsehole.

It’s fucking rightwing conservative Jews and Teavangelicals in this country, and Netanyahu’s rightwing Likud party in Israel that are destroying the peace process, one provocation at a time. Carnival Cruz is obviously new to this whole Middle-East Peace Process that’s been stuck on NO for so long, I can barely remember a time when it was working…He should just keep his huge piehole shut and learn the basics first.


Cruz accused his former Senate colleague of displaying a “shocking lack of sensitivity to the incendiary and damaging nature of his rhetoric.”

This is the kind of situation where the kettle should tell the pot to go blow it out his ass.


While Israel complains (not altogether accurately) that Abbas is violating the holy of holies by daring to compare Jewish trials with Palestinian tribulations, it’s apparently quite all right for Netanyahu to equate Hamas with the Third Reich and to accuse it of seeking another Holocaust. And to counter comments in the U.S. media that Abbas’ acknowledgement of the Holocaust is groundbreaking and significant, Israel pits an anonymous “senior official” who tells the New York Times that the new statement is worthless because if fails to condemn the Nazi-collaborating World War II Palestinian Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini. Seriously.

This is from Haaretz.
It must be nice to have open discussions about Israel’s lack of serious intent where the Palestinian people are concerned.


Bundy never got around to his opinion of Jews before flaming out. Sterling, talking thru his dick maligned the Jewish State. Now Cruz offers up a Fundamentalist hope and prayer, slay Kerry like Andrew Young. Times changed but the crazies stay the same.


Sen Cruz is always looking for ways to get in the news, and not because he accomplishing anything worthwhile. He likes to drop bombs and wait for the press to talk about it.

Could someone tell me one positive thing he has done as Senator to actually improve the lives of any one including his own constituents?

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Nailed it, without a doubt.