Discussion for article #222644
I do wish the christianists would stop playing the martyr card. Get off that cross! That job position was filled 2,000 years ago.
Guess they don’t remember Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf
TT defined sanctimonious, that is, he made a show of being morally superior to other people and Christians, Inc. ate it up
OMG calla waaaambulence. Tebow is not an NFL-notch QB and was offered other positions to play to remain in the NFL. He chose not to.
If you’re a Jew or a Muslim or a Bhuddist it’s not anything to get excited about either so long as they don’t flaunt it like Tebow did. You professional victims really need to stop whining and clutching your god damned pearls.
We used to call them Pharisees.
I may be an atheist, but I seem to recall a certain New Testament having much to say about public displays of religion… and absolutely nothing to say about homosexuality. Am I wrong, or do I have the advantage of actually having READ the book?
I think the difference is many Christians, such as Tebow, use their Christianity to subtly tout, “See, I’m better than you” whereas gays coming out is more “See, I’m equal to you”.
That is because a typical tebow convo went like so-gOD threw the ball for me, gOD got me that touchdown, gOD opened the hole for me to poke my way through, gOD, gOD, gOD, gOD.
Michael Sam talk is about football
OK, SNL mash-up needed: Tebowing meets Saming - kneeling for the beej.
Aside from Tebow’s lackluster ability as an nfl quarter back, he has his fanatical followers more than anything else to blame for his pariah status in the NFL.
Teams might have been more willing to hang on to him as a back up, if they weren’t constantly bombarded by his groupies to play him. They weren’t following him and demanding play time for his ability, it was because of his religion…
I’m just not sure where this persecution complex comes from with Christians. But with Tebow, I think the jokes come from his wearing his religion on his sleeve. Jesus was pretty specific when he addressed those who pray in public to be seen by others, and I think anyone who considers themselves a true follower of Christ would heed his words. Religion is in your heart. When you make your spirituality part of your public persona, you should be prepared for others to weigh in on that part of you. And it may not be entirely pleasant. To his credit, I think Tebow handles criticism pretty well.
Agreed, and it would annoy me just as much if Sam’s fans demanded the same treatment be given to him.
If Sam’s NFL career tanks the way Tebow’s did, then we all know God hates them both.
Butt-hurt sniveling conservatives are jealous that an openly gay man is getting more attention and approval than a overtly xtian true believer. If I may make a moral judgment here, it is better to be gay since it is a natural outcome of humanity, than to be xtian, which is an abomination to creation and a travesty of immense proportions. No comparison between the two. It is far better to be gay than xtian (says a liberal breeder non-believer)
Addendum: When I refer to xtians, I am referring to the conservative and intolerant, condemnation type…I have known liberal Christians who don’t make judgements and support equality wholeheartedly.
Here we go again with them…
Let’s do this: I’ll start to think of Sam as attention whoring, insecure, and pathetic jackass who should go if he insists on whipping out a rainbow flag and dancing around every time he makes a play.
Let’s see if that’s what happens.
OK, let’s cut to the quick. Where do I send all my money to make this right ?