What a great way to find out who should’n’t be allowed to own a gun…
Trainers from the SO. were shot self-defense-style by pissed off teachers.
the local sheriff’s office running the drill told them: “This is what happens if you just cower and do nothing
No you stupid son of a bitch, this is what happens when legislators cower and do nothing!
We really do have a violence fetish in our country that’s running amok on our culture.
The Indianapolis Star confirmed the claim with two unnamed teachers, one of whom said that members of the local sheriff’s office running the drill told them: “This is what happens if you just cower and do nothing [during an active shooter scenario].”
Bloody hell.
I’m reminded of “seeing the elephant” in the Red Badge of Courage.
If the real thing were to happen they would all be jumping around like cats on a hot tin roof.
Good luck ‘rehearsing’ how you would respond to life threatening terror.
The fact that these kinds of drills are taking place at all is very sad commentary on our society.
Nice this happens enough that we have “styles.”
Who came up with this absolutely asinine and inconceivably stupid training tactic? The teachers so victimized by this stupidity and their union should sue the SO, the county, and the state for every dollar they can get.
This must never be repeated.
Sad? Its insane! Its obscene!
If one of them had kicked him in the nuts in response they would be arrested.
If only the Eloi had Mausers and Glocks.
“Teachers Shot ‘Execution Style’…”
Republicans have been praying for that headline for a long time now.
The whole world is laughing at us.
I couldn’t believe this when I read it. Who thought this was a good idea? But to have them continue to participate!
ISTA wrote of the teachers shot with airsoft guns in January: “The teachers were terrified, but were told not to tell anyone what happened. Teachers waiting outside that heard the screaming were brought into the room four at a time and the shooting process was repeated.”
WTF is the matter with people?
I can’t believe this hasn’t been publicized before now.
More likely the students have a much, much better chance of being killed in a car wreck. Better to spend the money on Driver Ed training, but the actors wouldn’t get to play “army” with their guns.
Can we have that kind of drill at the Oval Trailer?