Discussion for article #224341
Ken and the rest of the guys are definitely “hung up”.
Is it on topic to simply express my profound loathing for this hipster douchenozzle and utter disgust that he’s able to wring a nice living out of his douchenozzelry?
It appears the TEA Toddlers don’t always have the traction they claim to possess. Good.
Butbutbut, dig those urbane, stylish sideburns! The Teabaggers are total GQ.
They’re sure not hung…
It is my profound hope that, come this Nov., the teabaggers sit out both KY and MS elections due to disillusionment. And I think it may be a possibility. They are SO bereft of anything close to self-awareness it’s actually horrifying. Hell, according to the hipster d-bag, Cochran’s win is proof positive that the teabaggers are in control. Of everything.
I think so. Douchenozzelry accurately describes their actions, so IMHO it’s squarely on-topic.
Personally I think there are few in the political world these days as fake as Matt Kibbe. Just look at him when he’s talking - it’s like he can’t believe he’s getting away with it. “Oh, this is awful. GOP bad. Obama worse! Won’t you give us some money to fight the tyranny? Daddy needs a new manscaper”
So, can we look forward to Cochran actually working with Democrats now, since part of his appeal was that McDaniel would not be willing to do so?
“It’s disgraceful that self-described GOP leaders like Mitch McConnell, John McCain, the Chamber of Commerce and the NRSC would champion a campaign platform of pork barrel spending and insider deal-making, while recruiting Democrats to show up at the polls,” FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe said. “If the only way the K Street wing of the GOP establishment can win is by courting Democrats to vote in GOP primaries, then we’ve already won. Tonight is proof that the K Street establishment is intellectually bankrupt, and we are going to have to clean it up.”
Funny how they blame everyone but Haley Barbour for McDaniel’s loss last night. Rachel Maddow had a good report last night on how Haley got involved in the run off with his power brokerage and good ground game and that appears to be what saved Cochran’s butt.
And would someone please contact Rick Santorum and ask him for a response to Cochran’s dreamy remembrances of escapades with farm animals?
Wow, this is the first time I’ve seen a picture of Kibbe outside of a TV studio, and hard to believe though it is, he looks even more ridiculous in a normal setting.
What do you call those type of sideburns? Didn’t they wear those things during the Civil War? He’s one weird-looking fool.
Tea Party motto: We are winning by losing!!
“would champion a campaign platform of pork barrel spending and insider deal-making”
“would champion a campaign platform of pork barrel spending on things we don’t like and insider deal-making that we don’t benefit from”
The truth is that " pork barrel spending and insider deal-making" is all that keep Mississippi, the US’s most conservative state, financially solvent with any semblance of being part of a first world country.
That “real change” would have been devastating to Mississippi.
I know…Mutton chops. Man, those are some weak-ass mutton chops.
Puberty’s a bitch.
The dueling memes of, the teabaggers are totally powerless and done, also, the teabaggers have taken over the Republican Party and the establishment is on it’s way out, are both real and so confusing to the base of each group that they will hopelessly try to reconcile the irreconcilable for many elections to come. We, in the meantime, will keep on keepin’ on and watch them shrivel as we move the country forward one baby step at a time and occasionally, one affordable act at a time.
It won’t be long that the carpet-bagging teabaggers will be referring to themselves as the establishment tea party.
We need to let Red America live under their own philosophies. Let them live without SS and Medicare, stop sending Federal dollars…then let them crawl back on their hands and knees like the insects they are.
Man, Matt Kibbe is as ugly on the outside as his Teabagger innards. Reminds me of a line from “Pee Wee’s Big Adventure”: “I’ve seen better heads on boils!”