Discussion: Tavis Smiley Takes On O'Reilly Over Police Violence: When Is It A Pattern? (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #235346

I despise Tavis Smiley almost as much as I despise Bill O’Reilly. He and Dr.West are spiteful little men

Tavis you are not out there on the front lines and you are still smarting from being offered the First Lady and not the President for that long ago interview you were seeking.And you know O’liellys audience and they aren’t really that much into you.

“Bore: one who has the power of speech but not the capacity for conversation. Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881)”


Like Mr. Smiley or not his point is beyond valid. What Mr. Smiley should have asked Mr. Prick was, how many unarmed white men were shot "accidently’’ or otherwise by black officers?


In Republicanworld, the plural of anecdote is data and data are a series of isolated incidents. And we wonder why we feel like we’ve been gaslighted every time we talk to them.


Remember the new black panther thing? That was an isolated insodence that Fox turned into a pattern. A pattern is something that happens more than a time or two.

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Please, Bill-O. How many unfounded theories does FOX produce ad nauseam?
And if you don’t want to answer any tough questions from your guests you should have booked Guy Smiley (America’s favorite game show host).

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I don’t think police officers wake up each morning and say I am going to shoot a black kid today, but I do think that they have been trained to use extreme force in situations where force isn’t required. They have also been trained to think their greatest threats are black gang bangers, and all black men and boys look like black gang bangers to them. Over time cops have evolved a shoot first attitude and since most black men and boys aren’t violent gang bangers police have decided covering up their many mistakes is necessary and certainly easier than adapting a different approach when dealing with black men and boys. Nobody likes to think of himself as an incompetent killer and local municipalities don’t like being sued by aggrieved families.

What has changed is technology. Nearly everyone has a cellphone. Nearly every cellphone has a video cam. It is much harder for shootings to occur without being taped. Police violence is being caught on tape, and routine coverups are harder than ever to pull off.


Combine two black holes of ignorance and call it a discussion. Folks, this sort of thing will absolutely flatline reformat your brain.

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“How many isolated incidents equal a pattern?”

“When they won’t GET OFF MY LAWN!!”

How many “over zealous staffers” does it take to make a TP Congressman’s Hill office?

Maybe Tavis should of asked Bill how many unarmed people, of any color and ethnicity, should be killed every year to appease the Gods of guns, to maintain the fiction that all black men are dangerous, and that we all must carry?

What is four hundred years of slavery between friends? They are so spiteful. And little men too, or maybe its the color that makes them look smaller to you.

Tide goes in, white cops shoot black people, no pattern to either, can’t explain that.

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Cameras showing disproportionate killing of minorities? Reverse discrimination because common sense.
A pattern of disproportionate force? Unknowable!

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It’s all part of the devious cleverness of Obamaphones!

Many police officers have been infected with the GZSyndrome (GeorgeZimmerman) .

They 're just hoping ‘somebody’ will scare them (cops ) into shooting the ‘scare-er’.

Then squeal-- “I was in fear for my life…”

Why do you despise Tavis Smiley (and Dr. West, too, for that matter)?

I really wish BillO could walk in the shoes of a black man for 24 hours. Then he would change his tune REAL fast.

There is a pattern of deception and propaganda that comes out of the Fox Newshole. It’s George Orwell 101. White is black, up is down, war is peace, freedom is slavery, shut up and take your shaft from Uncle Sam like a good little citizen.