Discussion: Take The NRA To Task, Not De Blasio, For The NYC Cop Murders

Discussion for article #231565

The NRA was organized only to represent firearm manufacturers after the American Civil War ended. And if their extreme promotion of weapons of human destruction policies causes another civil war, so much the better.

As Michael Corleone said in The Godfather flick when police Captain McCluskey had to be murdered: “It’s not personal Sonny, it’s just business.”


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Great article. Prepare for the onslaught of NRA sock puppets once they roll out of bed and word gets out that they’ve got a target for the Holiday.


Am I groggy, or is this article jumping all over the place and incredibly scattered?


Isn’t this what Sarah Palin and so many others on the right are asking for? The people to take up arms in defense of the 2nd Amendment and attack the government and those in power?

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I predict this thread will need to be fumigated at some point.
Posted just prior to another long-holiday-week-ending period-- like last week–
where no new posts surfaced until this last Monday (12/29).

The Gun Fetishists are coming!
The Gun Fetishists are coming!

Oh and later this evening?
Beware of indiscriminate celebratory bullets
invading through your walls and roof.



I guess I have to ask…why is a person a member of an organization they disagree with?

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If it was possible and legal, I would love to sneak into his home, go to the bedroom at 3:am then put the muzzle of an unregistered 45 in his ear, wiggle it around till he wakes up. Then explain the situation he finds himself in and see what he thinks. My only question would be, how important do you feel now???
But that justs me, a law abiding citizen.


We may get someone showing up in the thread with the new post-Newtown ammosexual talking point: Guns aren’t the problem, because guns are never the problem—we have to fix our “broken mental health system” or some such. Quick question before anyone posts that idea: All societies have mentally ill people. Only we, out of all the advanced countries, have astronomical rates of gun violence. Why is that? Because the problem isn’t mental health. The problem is that guns are too easy to get.


The key takeaway from that speech is this thinly disguised Dog-Whistle statement: “We must declare that there are no shades of gray in American freedom. It’s BLACK and WHITE, all or nothing,” LaPierre said at an NRA meeting. “You’re with us or against us.”
The NRA consistently uses Dog-Whistle (and outright) racism in it’s messaging.
Their mantra is: If you don’t keep buying more of and more powerful weapons the N!GGERS WILL BEST YOU! They will take your Money, your Women, your Job, your Children, and destroy your culture so you NEED PROTECTION.
This approach works very, very well with the White, lower-class, under-educated, Blue-Collar Male that is their target demographic. This group is terrified by their lack of job security and are convinced their manhood is threatened by their inability to get ahead economically. Black culture threatens their “traditional” power-base and they can’t take it (thus the rants against everything they don’t understand.)
So, as Obama CORRECTLY noted: “They cling to their Guns and Bibles” as a type of baby-blankie to make them “feel better”.
It is a highly profitable business too.


If the NRA types show up on this thread, I think they’ll probably go with another standard line, “This guy shouldn’t have had a gun under current law. We should enforce the laws we have instead of making new ones.”

They will of course ignore that the current laws are intentionally unenforceable.



I believe that the NRA did not become the paranoid militant 2nd Amendment rights gang that they are until the '70s (?), that before that they represented the sportsmen who used guns and wanted to learn about them. And in the end of The Godfather Michael says something like, “Don’t be fooled - it’s always personal.” With La Pierre, the personal is his paycheck.


guns are always the problem

And let’s not forget Beej’s favorite idiot-child argument, if a thing happens where that thing is illegal, obviously all laws against that thing are useless. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve seen him say that I’d go out and buy several bottles of Mumm’s for tonight. : )


That’s false. It was formed to promote marksmanship.


1968 Gun Control Act caused the NRA to switch gears and increase lobbying for gun rights.

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We’re not. The NRA is doing what the membership wants.

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SO, tell me again how a responsible gun owner leaves her pistol-packed purse in a shopping cart with her toddler. Wait, let me get a drink so I’m calmer, and don’t strangle you for the rationalization that comes after making a baby into a murderer.