Discussion: Take The NRA To Task, Not De Blasio, For The NYC Cop Murders

but, but…New York City has the strictest gun laws in the country

You would think cops would blame The NRA also. Much too easy access to guns is getting a lot of them killed.


Good article. Finally.
I’ve been saying this all along. Thank you level headed author.
Blame NRA for thwarting Dems on stiffer gun ownership laws for the mentally ill NOT Dems. Geez.


things wont change til; they start wiping out NRA officials

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well that’s comforting


Giuliani as mayor encouraged the kind of thinking that led to the belligerent attitudes we see today in the NYPD. De Blasio has brought a nuanced approach to governing and the cops don’t do nuance which represents, in my mind, conciliation and Murdoch’s Post blames DeBlasio for everything that’s gone wrong.

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No sane person would enjoy doing what you’re fantasizing about.

I’m not sure yet how directly gun laws were involved here – the lack of a paper trail, e.g., makes that hard to tell exactly – but the NRA is much more likely a good target of criticism here. Now, I think the FDA might be too (it’s absurd to criticize De Blasio here) but seriously, good article on the whole.

Here are some of the laws he broke: He was a felon, so it was felony for him to possess that gun. It was illegal for him to transport it through New Jersey, and into NY. It was illegal for him (and most people) to carry any gun in NYC. It was illegal to shoot the two cops.

I’m not sure what new law would have prevented this. Also, referring back to the post, not one of the laws proposed in the aftermath of Newtown would have prevented it from happening.

The post also ignorantly criticizes GA for not having a law against straw purchases, but it’s already against federal law to make a straw purchase.

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Well, I am sane and use to be a NRA member for life until they decided what was more important to the bottom line. Which happens to NOT and I express, is NOT humans.

I don’t think it’s fair to say “the cops don’t do nuance” because many of them do - you’re talking about a minority subset within the NYPD as a whole who, whether justifiably or not, felt that De Blasio didn’t support them until it was time to look good for the media. I like the new mayor, and was never a Giuliani fan, but lumping all cops in together as one thoughtless unit isn’t accurate, and cops will fairly be defensive to such statements.

Which unfortunately can’t stop someone from driving in from out of state with an illegally obtained weapon.

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I joined because they were advocating for my right to defend myself with the most effective means.

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Although? It didn’t appear to be a minority of officers who disrespectfully and-- if I may–
immaturely-- turned their backs to him at Officer Ramos’ service.

Now-- I will defer to your opinion, as you are a resident there-- and you would know the climate far better than anyone simply reading news accounts and online discussions.
But I’m inclined to think that there is a prevalent mindset among rank-and-file NYPD officers-- promulgated by an adversarial union-- that has more to do with the ongoing pay raise standoff, than with DeBlasio’s PR efforts.


What new laws do you propose that would be more enforceable? Please be specific.

So the very first comment here is from a gun control advocate wishing for mass violence.
It’s common for gun controllers to express violent fantasies. I don’t understand two things: why the wish for massive bloodshed, and why you think the unarmed side would prevail in your civil war fantasy.

Some would suggest a national gun registry, or background checks for all transfers of guns–which really wouldn’t be all that hard.

But not me.

I agree with the NRA. Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.

Therefore, people who want to purchase a gun should have to pass a gun safety course and get a license. Easy.

Thanks for making my prediction come true.

Violent fantasies? You mean like those of the NRA poster boy Ted, the coward, Nugent?

We’ve been hearing a lot from the police officers including their union leader Lynch who have a grudge against DeBlasio. It seems to be police commissioner Bratton alone who expresses an understanding of both sides of this issue and none of the rank and file. But I can understand why those with more sympathetic views could not break ranks. It’d be Serpico all over again.