Discussion: Suspect Identified in San Bernardino Massacre: Syed Farouk

Discussion for article #243371

Ouch! Now awaiting derp from GOTP Clown car passengers on the urgent need to confine all with Arabic sounding names to a revamped Camp Manzanar.

This would include anyone named Barack or Obama of course. And their little doggies…


I just want to know how that trio scored that weaponry.

I have a suspicion, but it can keep.


Get ready for one epic shit show.


The American citizens of Japanese descent were not participants in anything resembling this kind of mayhem.

It can come shrug

Still want to know where that trio got their hookup from.

Was this a workplace massacre?

NOW will the GOP Congress do anything to prevent those on the no fly list from having access to guns without universal background checks?


To my knowledge neither are Americans of Muslim descent.

Why would that stop the likes of Cruz, TRump, Fiorina etc. from proposing an isolation protocol?

Nawwwww…they’re more concerned with voting to kill Obammiecare.


Gee, I wonder sort of well-reasoned, inciteful (sic) response Donald Trump will have to today’s events.


Right now with the release of one of the suspect’s name, Farook (more likely spelled Farouk, as in King Farouk) we’re now getting what I think is the Rashomon effect. The name itself adds another layer of speculation, which depending on your proclivity will lead you to see or believe things that may or may not be actually there. I’m still taking a wait and see attitude.


I’m not sure about the rest of you, but I’m withholding all judgement until I hear what Sarah Palin has to say about this. I anxiously await her cogent Facebook post eloquently explaining the nuances of this tragedy as only she can.


I’m just checking back into the news after four or five hours away doing housework, etc. Any possible motive(s)?

Looking that way, but investigation is not complete yet. But a person there said the alleged perp had been acting very nervous at an earlier meeting. Terrorism did not seem likely based on the nature of the facility, nor a hate crime. But again, investigation is still in early stages.

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Workplace violence is the leading possibility, though it’s still early. Someone there said the guy had left an earlier meeting looking very nervous and not too happy. Might have been a festering thing, and this was the last straw for this nut.


Thanks, MrComments. I had to take a break and do some therapeutic stuff. On that note, I have a cleaner house.

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Well, to get an AR-15 where I live requires a 10 minute drive to a gun store, 10 minutes admiring that rifle while the background check is done, then I plunk down about $1000 for the rifle ans several boxes of ammo. Then a 10 minute dive home. So, max 40 minutes front to back and I’m home with a tool with which I could kill and maim hundreds of innocent people. AND I could be an active ADMITTED member of al Qaida and /or ISIS and STILL get that gun.

It’s my considered opinion that to buy a gun one should be in possession of a license, liability insurance and have demonstrated both sanity and proficiency with a weapon such that I won’t use it stupidly. And I want strong universal background checks. And I say this as a long term gun owner.


He apparently worked there at the county Health Department, so that at least leaves open the possibility that it was a workplace incident. It does seem like an unlikely target for terrorism, but of course he could have decided that it was simply a nice soft target that he knew well. And it’s also strange that he would recruit two others to go shoot his boss.

One thing that bothers me about searching for motives (exemplified by this comment) is that ultimately it doesn’t matter all that much whether he was a jihadist, a right-wing terrorist, someone who flipped out, or someone with violent mental illness. The final MO is the same - go with a large-magazine gun to a place with lots of people and shoot as many as you can. And they’re similar because we (by which I mean Republicans and the NRA) make it so easy to do.


Sarah can see it all from her porch don’cha know

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It can’t be terrorism without some terrorist group to claim responsibility and republicans to claim a prize, they always seem to feel is their due.

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