Discussion: Surveillance Footage Shows Drunk Fox News Anchor Brawling With Cops

Discussion for article #224274

Iā€™m one who has over the past 3 years been prescribed some fairly strong pain medicine-- and have, on occasion, imbibed alcohol too.

I can say that you should be quite careful when mixing that combo-- while being a complete assh^le.



I went to Gawker to view the video, and IMO the cop who slammed him against the bench was being far too aggresive.


This is not newsā€“or at least old news. I think some compassion is due, even to Faux news anchors. Pointing and laughing at somebody elseā€™s misfortunes is their thingā€“it should not be ours.


He needs treatment and shaming him in this manner seems wrong.


Jarrett is an attorney, as well as a former court reporter. He should know how to behave in the presence of law enforcement personnel. If he were drunk or had a combination of alcohol and prescription drugs in his system, he should know better than to drive irresponsibly, and, if he were driving irresponsibly, he should simply submit, plead guilty, and pay the fine, no need to fight or argue with cops.


Greg must have forgotten the Constitutional clauses about remaining silent and lawyering up. Or maybe he blessed his legal counsel out on the phone lol. Whatā€™s a White xtian man to do on a long MSP layover now that the restrooms are out of bounds?


Since I started the thread with a smarmy comment-- Iā€™ll weigh in and express my appreciation that ā€˜weā€™ are capable of discussing opposing perspectives.

It is what ā€˜weā€™ do.

Iā€™ll go further to note that while, yes, he needs treatment-- that he was in an airport bar knocking back alcohol-- on top of painkillers-- likely within hours of his having been released from substance abuse treatment. Iā€™ve dealt with addicts and addiction-- and this man is an addict. Many cannot afford the treatment he has so cavalierly waved off at the first opportunity.

That this man was made very wealthy-- as a willful cog in the machine that has helped to bring our country nearly to itā€™sā€™ knees and polarized our politics?

F^ck Greg Jarrett.

I did mean that in the nicest possible way.



Agreed. It looks like the bicycle cop just wanted an excuse to slam him around, which is why he walked up to him like that in the first place.

Plus, I have a problem with these ā€œresisting arrestā€ cases where the person is reflexively trying to defend themselves or at least put themselves in a less painful position, but where the cops use it as an excuse to attack the person more. There was no reason that got violent at all, except that the bicycle cop chose to escalate things knowing he can do whatever he wanted. That was clearly a cop out of control, not just for trying to start a fight, but how badly he handled it.


I think one of the biggest problems with rehab is that instead of teaching you how to properly handle alcohol, they force you to abstain completely. As if there canā€™t be a middle ground and if you drink, you must have a problem. And thatā€™s simply not true. Who knows, maybe this guy could never learn to handle alcohol properly, but they didnā€™t even try. And so what does he do the first chance he gets? Head straight to the bar and start drinking where he left off.

So sure, maybe you canā€™t teach moderation to alcoholics, but itā€™s obvious that telling them to abstain doesnā€™t work either. In fact, thatā€™s generally what I see from most people: They learned to drink from young and stupid people where the goal is to get drunk as quick as possible, and therefore never learn to drink properly. Maybe at some point they should set up a rehab where we at least try to get people to learn how to drink without getting sloshed. Couldnā€™t be any worse than what we do already.

Anyone working for Faux News is ā€œdealing with serious personal issuesā€ā€¦


Doc, in Jarrettā€™s case itā€™s not the alcohol per se.
Itā€™s the combining of painkillers to hit the level of buzz he wanted to achieve.

He knew he was heading to rehab, likely under modest observation en route.
He knew he couldnā€™t hide those painkillers on his person.
So, in advance? He stashed them in an airport locker.
The airport was going to be the first place heā€™d be out-of-sight from those monitoring him for the past 30 days.
And he knew thereā€™s a bar there too.

Iā€™ll bet he damn near ran to the locker.
And the bar.



If he werenā€™t a rich white dude, heā€™d have been charged with a felony.


Thatā€™s the truth.

There are some people who simply can not have any alcohol and if youā€™re destroying your life with alcohol, you really should simply stop drinking entirely.

Every time a moderately well-known person gets drunk and does something stupid weā€™re fed a story that includes numerous heresay references to rehab, addiction, ā€œbattlesā€ with drugs and alcohol, etc. More often than not, these people get loaded and make bad decisions (just like everyone else) and thatā€™s all there is to it. Reporting it that way, however, is utterly unacceptable.

As much as I despise FOX News and rightwing lunatics and bigots, I canā€™t help but feel pity for this man and see no value in this video. I know if this were some ā€œliberalā€, the right would be having a field day, but I canā€™t muster that kind of hatred (and Iā€™m not saying those taking shots at him here are displaying any type of ā€œhatredā€. Lord knows a lot of these clowns deserve the ridicule, etc.)

I wish him well in his recovery efforts, for his and his familyā€™s sakeā€¦

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I disagreeā€¦But had it been Roger Ailes, I could be convinced to change my opinion.

I tend to loathe all things Fux Noiseā€¦but in this case, I do sincerely hope that Greg will earnestly seek recovery from substance dependency. His apparent trajectory is aiming for the bottom, and from there he can begin to build a new lifeā€“in recovery.

I donā€™t like Fox and donā€™t appreciate Jarrettā€™s role with them over the last several years, but thereā€™s no schadenfreude to be had here. I pity Mr. Jarrett and hope he finds the help he needs to deal with what is clearly a powerful and destructive addiction.