Discussion: Study: Fox News Viewers Are More Uninformed About Immigration

Simple principle: garbage in, garbage out.

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By contrast, the most significant predictors of support for immigration reform were "[h]olding a four-year college degree, being female, identifying with the Democratic Party, and most trusting MSNBC as an accurate news source.

Well, considering the abysmal low viewership and tanking rating of MSNBC, it’s a relief that the “Informed” are very few and far apart. I guess this study portrays the vast majority of Americans to be ignorant Republicans, considering the overwhelming ratings posted by FOX NEWS at every time of the day and across all ages and walk of life.

Must be a slow news day since this is not news.

I’m a Democrat and I think we need to find jobs for the millions of long-termed unemployed recently thrown into the street, work out a way to improve the schools before we expand the numbers of students, insure that every American who wants has a roof over head before we consider any amnesty. I don’t watch fox.

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Yah. All we got is one pathetic troll posting it’s derp and hiding behind TPM comment rules.

Yeah, it’s very disheartening to see how their whole “working the refs” schtick has ended up breeding a entire ideology of know nothings. I’ve personally confronted conservatives with quotes from William Kristol ADMITTING that the “liberal media” myth was fabricated to give conservatives cover from (justified) media scrutiny, to absolutely no effect; they’re back to listening to scum like Mark Levine immediately.


I would love to see how FOX would SPIN this… funny.

Fox News Viewers Are More Uninformed About Immigration

It ain’t just on immigration, folks.

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Rarely is the question asked " Is inbred Fox viewers learning"?

  • Chimpy the retired Decider
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Doh. What else is new?

When all is said and done, I believe that Fox News will have done more to destroy the GOP than anything the Democrats have come up with. Roger Ailes and Rush Limbaugh should be on the DNC payroll.

It’s not just the viewers,it’s the FOX hosts and guests too.

You assume that the Murdoch empire and other $$puppet-masters behind the present right-wing danger are natural “Republicans”, and that they care about the long-term future of the Republican Party.

By the time Republicans can no longer hope for the White House, the virus that destroyed GOP national viability hopes to also infect the Democratic Party and turn it into what the present Republican Party already is.

If/when this happens, the $$puppet-masters can elect anyone of their choosing as POTUS. They will also have strings on enough Congress-critters and state-level politicians to write and pass the laws they want.

Then Atlas will have truly shrugged.

To paraphrase the inimitable Tom Lehrer:

FoxNews is like a sewer—what you get out of it depends on what they put into it.

And so far, all they’ve put into it is the contents of a two-hole outhouse.

Amnesty would apply to those souls already here. They are already numbered among the “unemployed” and the “expand[ed] number of students” you express concern for.

Amnesty won’t make present conditions worse for Americans; in fact, it could reinvigorate the American labor movement, which is the best way to protect all our workers from exploitation.

Once again, we ask WHY DID THEY NEED A STUDY?

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Frank Luntz taught the Republicans how to tinker with the way we think, and it’s gotten to the point that a logical argument will no longer convince anybody. We may be doomed.

This is not exactly news. Fox viewers are more uninformed about everything. On what they are informed, they are mostly mis-informed.

Every few years one of these studies comes out showing Fox viewers are the most uniformed about immigration, climate change, science in general, the crime rate…pick the topic and Fox viewers are dunderheads.

But, of course, this is not a glitch in the Fox system, this is the default position. This is that whole “news” network’s reason for existence - to muddy the waters, to confuse and outright lie to its old, white angry viewers, to scare them with fear of black people (especially that black fellow in the White House who is coming to take away your guns and give free Obama phones to “those people”).

Maybe these studies will somehow convince regular media to stop treating Fox as journalistic colleagues (remember the kerfuffle when the WH decided to give Fox less than prime treatment in the briefing room and the DC press corps sprang to its defense), but expecting Fox to change its ways because of these studies is not going to happen. The operation is too lucrative to Murdoch, Ailes and the on-air clown car, and too beneficial to the right-wing politicians who benefit from Fox’s loving embrace and its tearing down of Democrats.


The median age of FoxNews viewers is 68. And that number is even higher when you’re talking specifically about Megyn Kelly or Bill O’Reilly viewers. So “all walks of life” must mean mostly retired. On top of that, the viewership is something like 98% white, which doesn’t exactly match the makeup of the nation.

It’s the network for angry old white guys.