Discussion: Strong Showing In AZ House Race Has Dems Excited About Fall Elections

It’s so encouraging that Sinema has a 6-point lead over McSally in the polls. McSally is well-known, so this is probably a fair reflection of voter opinion.


I respectfully suggest that the Dems make these races about health care and how Republicans have voted to take it away. If there’s any issue that’s a winning one, this is really it. Not that the Dem consultants won’t figure out lots of ways to make their candidates look absurd. Luckily, it’s possible to follow campaigns now without turning on the TV to watch the absurdities.


OT but not sure where to tuck the story - maybe TPM will pick it up.

Amazing shit here, but proof democracy still is hanging on, if only by many millions of tiny threads:


McSally really doesn’t have anything going for her beyond ex-fighter pilot and generic Republican. In office she has been notably quiet (as in, “in hiding”.)

That is a huge ray of sunlight shining on the too-immobilized-to-do-its-job FEC. Thanks for sharing it.


Moral victories don’t get Democrats any closer to seizing back House control.

Yes they do. Dems can’t win every district in the land, particularly with the gerrymanders in place. But as the article suggests, a big blue swing is a huge win, since if it’s replicated everywhere, Dems win the House easily and very possibly the Senate. Big props to Hiral and all the blue fighters out there in Trump country.


26 point lead over Arpaio. Come on Joe!

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The Arizona GOP is praying that McCain lasts through May…and then drops dead. The last thing they want is for McCain to last through January, because there might be a Democratic governor then.


13 years I lived in Trent Franks’s district. Calling it a “heavily senior citizen population” doesn’t begin to cover it. It’s home to Sun City and its ilk: retirement cities with no schools, no school taxes, and nobody under 55 allowed, by housing covenant. So imagine which archetype of senior citizens are attracted to such a community: the grumpy old tightwads who don’t want children in their stores and whose only interest in public education is that they already got theirs and they’ll be damned if they should have to pay for it.


My thought exactly. Imagine the dems clawing to a 50-50 Senate with a new democrat governor in place. I can hear McConnell now talking about how Senate tradition dictates that Arizona respect the party chosen by the people in the last election. Hoo, I’ll be laughing over that for days!

I can totally believe McCain would hang on just to stick it to McConnell and Trump.

Sadly, I can also believe that a democrat governor might actually buy the ‘tradition’ BS. Sometimes it sucks to be on Superman’s side instead of Lex Luthor’s.

Ghoulish, but true.

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Good news to wake up to.!
I bet my email will be full with pleas for another donation. I live 120 miles south of Phoenix so I will only get to watch that race from a distance. Now McSally i know a lot better. I will be voting for Sinema.


There very well could be a dem governor in AZ. My friend Steve Farley is neck and neck in the polls with Doug Ducey. I will take great pleasure voing for Steve whom I know well.

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I listened to yesterday’s Pod Save America podcast and they had an interview with a Dem activist and the message that is being put out is that the Rs want to take away healthcare coverage and cut Social Security. The R candidate is also getting called on her lies about the Dem platform

“national GOP groups have had to spend roughly $1 million to make sure another race that shouldn’t be competitive at all stays in their column.”

Not a problem…Putin’s got it covered.

That is an absolutely stunning document.

She should have signed off with “Go fuck yourself, Alito.”

And the FBI and/or Congress failing to look into any of it should tell everyone how far the rot hath crept. This country’s political and elections systems and institutions have grown gangrenous. Let the debridement begin.

Where’s Qyburn when we need him?

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I’ve given up faith that effective change can happen. While I believe it is crucial that Democrats control the House in 2019, the American people are such a disappointment to me.

People should be fucking angry about the blatant rip off called the Republican Party. They stand for nothing, and laugh in our faces with a tax cut that benefits rich foreigners more than it does hard working Americans.

That this special election can be lost by Democrats is a tragedy for anyone who works for a middle class wage., because it is self inflicted, and they still haven’t learned any lesson in the last 16 months.

The Democrats should pick three core messages with one overriding truth: that if we don’t wake the fuck up, we are all screwed,

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This article leads with money. No comparison figures on campaign spending. No historical election returns for comparison. No real poll numbers. Is this supposed to be NEWS or not? Somebody is asleep at the switch, Call me picky, but I like some genuine information with my News. Stuff like this may “excite” “democrats” but it reads like a puff piece xeroxed and handed out at the DNC.

AZ08 is deep red. Peoria, Glendale, Sun City. Heavy with retirees and LDS. Think Evan Mecham territory. Any Dem winning here would be an enormous upset.