Discussion: Stop The Joe Biden Madness!

Discussion for article #239782


How would Biden distinguish himself from Clinton and Sanders? How would he justify a late start to the race? All I hear from Democrats is ‘we love you, but…’


Wait, a DLC wonk supports Hillary Clinton? I’m shocked. Shocked! Probably somewhere in the article or discrtiption of Ed, it should mention that he was the policy director of the DLC and that when the DLC closed up shop, the records from it went to…the Clinton Foundation.
That being said, I agree that Biden should be a emergency candidate, in case Hillary Clinton explodes in bright colored confetti, but should otherwise stay out of it, primarily for the reasons Ed Kilgore mentioned. Many of Hillary Clinton’s supporters are very personally invested in her candidacy and get quite hostile if anyone suggests she might not be the plationic ideal of a candidate. For now, I think it’s better for the party if Bernie Sanders continues as her stalking horse and things are allowed to bake a little more before any decisons are made.


The groundswell for Biden exists only in the fantasies of the beltway pundits who want more drama in the democratic race.


And, of course, still pathologically, irrationally hate the Clintons.


banker pup: How would he justify a late start to the race?

you do realize that his son beau had been fighting terminal cancer for some time, don’t you?

It is not democrats saying we love you, although there are some who are and those are the ones who hate Hillary. Mostly it is republicans who say we love you Joe. I wonder why??


Yeah, the number of conservatives who keep saying Joe should jump in convinces me that this is a bad idea. Trying to distract from the trainwreck that is the Republican primary field.


Some of us hate the Clintons for more that just ideological or pathological reasons. We hate their support of policies that have left millions still suffering from the economic ravages of the 2000s that started in Billy-Boy’s administration when he worked hand-in-glove with the GOP to cut up the social safety net,and open up to Wall Street to his pals as a casino for the wealthy and corrupt, and thereby laid the foundation for the world we have today. We cannot stand her because she is incapable of thinking for herself, thinks laws to not apply to her, cannot manage even a political campaign on her own much less a national department or, heaven forbid, the WH, and is so in bed with corporate America that she commands hundreds of thousands of dollars just to speak to them, and they pay it. These two are closet racists, and instead of supporting the policies that President Obama ran on in 2008, and getting their DNC cronies in Congress to follow his lead, they forced their neo-liberal allies to undercut every policy plan President Obama ever had, drove his advisers out of the WH leaving only their retreads to control things. President Obama’s administration has been a version of Clinton Lite, with him being nothing more than their pinata for the GOP while they raked in the millions needed for this run. It does not take someone to be pathologically angry at these two, Only someone who has been hurt by the very things that they have been so very good at obfuscating from the general public.

They did not create Camelot Redux in the 1990s, they just screwed Americans over and over again with the help of the GOP. Don’t believe it? Why don’t you ask the people who are now living on the streets because the Welfare-to-Work program benefits they needed to survive have now disappeared because of their 5 year LIFETIME limit? Why don’t you ask all those who have college degrees who are working at slave wages because they need to eat and the Welfare-to-Work program created a new slave/worker class that allows corporations to avoid paying living wages if people want to eat or survive? These are courtesy of the policies that started with much touted support from the Clintons! The ACA, a GOP Heritage Fund health care plan originally, was the one Hillary and the GOP supported in both 1993 and in 2008, yet when Obama supported single-payer and universal healthcare, the Clinton faction threw it away, added the Gingrich mandate, and created the pattern of obstructionist governance we see today. These comments are not ideological or pathological hatred for the Clintons - they are based on facts and the realities of these two when it comes to leadership and how they cooperate not with true Democrats, but with Blue Dog Democrats like themselves and the GOP.

They are dangerous for this party and poison for this nation if they continue to influence policies because they are nothing more than GOP Lite and always have been. They just happen to think all Democrats are too stupid to see them for what they are. Well, some of us are not stupid and we do see them for what they are which is why we would not vote for her just because she is a woman - which is quite frankly the dumbest reason I can think of to vote for a woman for President of the United States - and I am a woman… The Democrats have several women who are more suitable for the job than Hillary Clinton, but since they choose not to run, I guess we will have to work with the men who are willing to do so.


I don’t pathologically hate the Clintons. I think they’re fine people and Bill is probably the finest pure politician of my lifetime. My objections to Hillary are based mostly on the fact that she’s well on the way to squandaring an insurmountable lead -again-. She did that once already in 2008, when she was the prohibitive favorite over Obama and through poor management of the primary process managed ot kick the football into the ditch. She needs to up her game enormously if she’s going to be the nominee because I don’t want the Democrats to lose this thing. it’s much too important. THAT is why I support Biden, or someone like him, to be waiting off in the wings. Right now the options are Clinton, Sanders or…yeah…It would be better for the party and for her as a candidate to get a bit of seasoning in the primary season before she has to run against a candidate with pockets as deep as hers, as well staffed as hers and as experienced as hers. it doesn’t benefit her or the party to have a kid gloves corrination when the abbotoir awaits in the general.


Don’t hold back. Tell me how you really feel.

If you’re not in the MSM, what I said has nothing to do with you unless you choose to make it about you.


If you took the time to read Ed’s work at Washingtonmonthly.com you’d know that he is a dependable and pragmatic center-left (mostly left actually?) voice, a far cry from any DLC-centric stuff in the distant past. In the tank for HRC? I doubt it.


Question for you all: Has anybody who reads stuff here and elsewhere about politics and watches an hour of news a day seen ANY THING about Hillary Clinton’s appearances and speeches in the last 10 days?

How many articles and news items have been written about Trump, Sanders, and Joe Biden in these last 10 days?

NOTHING about Hillary, the “presumed” Democratic candidate front-runner for president, but dozens of articles about Trump, half dozen about Biden, half dozen about Sanders.

Why is news about Hillary so scarce? Is she well? I’m beginning to think she’s not well, she’s DEFINITELY NOT out there campaigning like Sanders and Trump. WHY not?

OOps, Cancel all that. MSNBC just reporting that Hilllary is doing a campaign event at John Deere in Iowa today. She wants more gun control, good for her. But I’m still wondering why her campaign isn’t being covered like Sanders’ and tRump’s is. What’s wrong with the news media not covering her?


Perhaps they are not being invited to her fundraising meetings with donors? Or perhaps she is still on the family vacation in the Hamptons?

Media-land thrives on novelty. They probably judge that Hillary has been around a long time, and news about her is not very exciting. Except for the email non-scandal, which they hope will pull her down and make an ‘exciting’ horse race out of it.


Why the mocking tone Steve? Let people work it out. This should be as safe a place as any to vent – and what the commenter said is all true. However, we all know what is at stake and if it takes every damned reluctant vote for Hillary Clinton in the end to keep the GOP out of the White House then it does not help to alienate potential allies.

The last thing Democrats need is some deus ex machina lurching onto the stage.

I don’t know, it might “elevate the debate”.

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In the words of the late, great Jimi Hendrix, “blah blah, woof woof”.

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Really? Maybe we didn’t read the same thing. @DJNoll’s post read like the worst sort of InfoWars conspiracy theory tripe that practically puts Hillary on the grassy knoll. My guess is that @DJNoll has no intention of voting for Hillary and will probably sit home during the election and sulk if Hillary becomes the nominee. Just a guess.


Yes. Well. Good to let it all out. I’m sure you feel better for it now.