Discussion: Stiviano: Donald Sterling Is Not A Racist (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #222347

Right, heā€™s not a racist and sheā€™s a ā€˜personal assistantā€™. Plus, silly rabbit, tricks are for kids.


ā€œBut through his actions heā€™s shown that heā€™s not a racist. Heā€™s shown to be a very generous and kind man.ā€

You canā€™t buy your way out of racism. Sorry. Sheā€™s not very bright.


Brooklyn Bridge for sale. $200 OBO.


ā€œThereā€™s been a number of occasions where Mr. Sterling and I had conversations just like this one,ā€ she told Walters. ā€œPart of what the world heard was only 15 minutes. Thereā€™s a number of other hours that the world doesnā€™t know.ā€

Letā€™s keep it that way, please.

"I think Mr. Sterling is from a different generation than I am. I think he was brought up to believe these things ā€¦ segregation, whites and blacks."

Uhhh, news flash, sugar bumps: By definition, that IS a racist!


Maybe not, but Iā€™m thinking that the latest recording of Sterling saying he should have ā€œpaid her offā€ might be behind Stiviano trying to walk back Sterlingā€™s comments.

There was a report I heard that Sterling is calling everyone he knows and demanding, ā€œTell me Iā€™m not a racist!ā€ People wouldnā€™t do it because they were afraid he was taping the call.

Hell, I donā€™t know where to begin, the personal assistant part, the heā€™s not really a racist part or the my friend did it part. From what we know about the the both of them, if they signed up with eharmony they would probably be a perfect match. She has what he wants, and he has what she wants, whats not to like.


I like that she calls him ā€œMr. Sterling.ā€ Very respectful. BTW, her attorney said she is devastated by this because she is ā€œa very private person.ā€


Ms. Stiviano, youā€™ve indicated you are bi-racial, ask you black half if she thinks Mr. Sterling is racist.


Shorter Stivano: Are you going to believe me or your lying ears?


Thanks, Ms. Stiviano, for your excellent work in bringing down an out-and-out jerk like Sterling. Now, be on your way.


Hereā€™s my guess: She thought this would embarass him, but not grow as huge as it did. Now sheā€™s off the gravy train, and sheā€™s doing whatever she can to get back on. This is all she has.


I like the part where she said Sterling is hurt by the things HE said. This brings the Republican non-apology to new heights: "If anything I said offended myself in any way then to myself I would like to say, ā€˜Iā€™m sorry.ā€™ "


I really donā€™t get the magnitude of the venom directed at this young woman. She hooked up with a rich man, provides him with services and company, and gets pay or remuneration in exchange. What they do in private is just none of anyoneā€™s business but theirs, and Mrs. Sterlingā€™s. I donā€™t see her as morally deficient at all. Personal assistants to celebrities get paid very well, in wages and in other perks. So? She obviously feels a great deal of warmth towards the guy.

Now Mr. Sterling is another story. His business dealings have been loathsome, cruel, and vicious. As have probably the majority of any billionaire one could name. Mrs. Sterlingā€™s behavior has been demonstrably as deplorable as her husbandā€™s.

But I donā€™t see where this young woman has done anything to merit all the hate directed at her.


I f Sterling isnā€™t a racist why did he use the language he did?


I am sure it has absolutely nothing to do with his money. Young beautiful women go for nasty looking frog-like 80 year olds ALL THE TIMEā€¦simply for their charm and wit!


Sterlingā€™s actions prove he is racist. Everything else about this, all of the side stories and dramas are just plain creepy.

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People have been saying all along that Sterling is not a racist, and now when the woman who started the whole thing comes out and says so as well, well she stupid then, she not so bright, she a gold digger. Now she gets to feel what itā€™s like when ā€œprogressivesā€ engage in a real war on women.

One little problem with the ā€œonly a personal assistantā€ story is that on the original tape she says something to the effect ā€œAnd now youā€™re in love with a half black latinaā€ā€“i.e., her.