Discussion: Stiviano: Donald Sterling Is Not A Racist (VIDEO)

“There was a report…” You got a link to that?

Could have fooled me by the evidence. In our delusional world money is speech and propaganda, facts. For the love of money let’s weigh the evidence by your speech and actions.

Off camera, Stiviano asked ABC to let Chris Christie know that, for $200,000, she would appear on camera to assure the world that Christie knew nothing about the bridge fiasco and felt deep sorrow for the frustration and inconvenience the lane closures caused.


“I am sure it has absolutely nothing to do with his money.”


ADDING: I just can’t find it in my heart to judge this young woman so harshly, absent any evidence that she committed a crime or caused anybody any harm.

I’m amazed at the venom against her.

Too much “green” between those positions

Would have rated a “meh” for trolling, if you had written it before the president of the NAACP chapter giving him the award resigned.

But, now, fail.

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Crocodile tears. What LaQueefa said.


I guess Sterling’s buyoff made it to her account after all.


Sterling only sounds and acts like a racist?

The denial is deep in this derp.


Uh, which people? The ones in your head?


You made me laugh with that trollesque comment. It’s so insanely ridiculous.

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Dear media, We don’t what what this gold digging, racist sympathizer thinks.

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Uh … no. passing laws that deprive women of equal wages and force them to endure medically unnecessary humiliating vaginal probes are part of a war on women. Pointing out absurd and deceptive comments by someone who happens to be a woman is NOT a war on women.

Is it deliberate on your part, or do you truly not see the difference?


If by “one mistake” you mean being an ignorant racist all his life and behaving accordingly in his business & personal affairs, then yea you’re right.



She obviously feels a great deal of warmth towards the guy’s wallet.


Whoa, now…I can totally understand the intense media interest in the titillating hijinks between an 80 year-old, cancer-stricken racist real estate magnate and a bi-ethnic, now daddy and sugar-less hotsy-totsy…
What I don’t understand is why she took the sunvisor off unless Bawa borrowed it for her ‘young man’.

Ok this reminds me of the West Wing episode where C.J. is doing “The Jackal” and Sam Seaborn is doing his best “white-boy-from-Brentwood-dances-Gangsta” - Hilarious.

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You are making a critical error in assuming the chick troll is smart enough to even engage in a debate.

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“She obviously feels a great deal of warmth towards the guy’s wallet.”

Again, so?

I disagree with your assessment, but even if were true, I’ve not seen a shred of evidence that she has done any harm to any person. I don’t know about you, but that’s my personal criteria for hating on a person and pouring venom their way. The harm that Sterling and his wife have delivered to a number of people – probably thousands of people – can be demonstrated in legal judgements and in testimony, which removes them from any kind of sympathy deserved.

But this young woman takes a gig as a personal assistant and “silly rabbit” to a billionaire, and it obviously evolved into a warm personal relationship. So? Where’s the crime? Where’s the moral failing? What harm has she done?