The unforgivable sin? Getting caught.
Something tells me he’ll land on his feet.
The administration has strict policies that dictate who gets to profit from administration actions. This is clearly a violation of those policies.
“Only fools and profiteers ask for war…”
Warrior Princess
Democratic lawmakers are interested in knowing whether Faulkner violated ethics rules
Let’s see … he worked for the Toadglans maladministration, right?
Democratic lawmakers are interested in knowing whether Faulkner violated ethics rules
there’s doubt? Really? Holy shit we just need to load the fucking subpoena cannon, start firing and hauling in the deadbeats who don’t show up. Stop playing the game like it’s anything other than Calvinball right now.
Navy saying: “When there is trouble on the deck, look to the bridge.”
Oh I thought this was going to be about Donald!
Only the best.
So transparent.
One corrupt Trump administration official down, 7,953 to go.
Saudi huh? Was Jared involved?
Really you had to ask if Jared was involved?
18 USC 208 makes it a CRIME for government official to “participate personally and substantially” in any matter that can affect a financial interest of such official. Only POTUS is exempt.
Pity the DOJ has been captured and now only represents the Grifter in Chief as his personal counsel. So all you need to do now is quit, and the crime is forgiven?
Working for the RNC as a fundraiser.
Where will Faulkner end up after this?
For the answer, let us turn to another Faulkner (William) from his short story *Red Leaves."
“He has hidden himself. He has crept back into the swamp.”
Except, in this case, this particular Faulkner never really left.
War exists because it is profitable for someone. In the old days at least the troops were allowed to share the profits by looting the defeated. Now a days, the profits only go to a few warmongers in the Military-Industrial complex, not only the troops get nothing, but their friends and families get to pay for his expenses via taxes. And yet the profiteers want to convince us that the fool that went to fight for “freedom” and left his guts behind is somehow admirable.
The headline doesn’t match the story. He’s a former Raytheon guy (just like the EPA Chief is a former coal lobbyist); we don’t know yet (and Congress doesn’t know yet) whether he personally profited from the declaration.
Admittedly, the headline will likely be correct next week after Congress gets answers to its questions.
Nope. Clearly he didn’t give Dear Leader his cut.