“Abrams, a Democratic rising star who’s been talked up by party leaders for years, easily bested Abrams…”
Maybe an edit?
I for one congratulate Abrams, oneself is often the toughest opponent…
SAY YES, in November!!!
How about a couple?
"Evans called for the Party to lean into a progressive vision and to excite new voters while Evans, "
Good news.
I will donate to her campaign. Everyone here should as well.
Abrams is the real deal. She’s a smart retail pol who I think will surprise a hell of a lot of folks. Watch this woman — she is going places.
Hmm… will Trump stump for the Republican nominee?
Let’s see if Georgia as a whole is ready. The republicans candidates were competing on who was going to be meaner to the mexicans and who was going to let more guns everywhere, hate to say it but those guys know something.
It’s good the Dem nominee is set, while the Rs have to go to a run-off in July. Let them keep fighting each other while Abrams makes her case.
What could go wrong?
In other news, for those who are following it, Lizzie Pannill Fletcher has won the D nomination over Laura Moser in TX 7.
Maybe don’t use Search and Replace.
Watching her speech on TLW. Pretty kick ass. Good to see the racist shit heels on the gooper side will likely have a run off.
I am thrilled for her!!!
How can any serious politican be a “longtime foe of Abrams in her battle to expand the voting rolls in the state”? This is shocking. Then again, I was surprised, and heartened, when I heard yesterday that NYC schools are registering students to vote. Yes! Do it, even though we don’t matter.
Picky, picky.
Women are the future of the Democratic Party I think.
Women of color.
I think they have the necessary fire and , I hope, integrity.
You get what you pay for.