Discussion: Spicer: Trump Has 'Utmost Confidence' In Nat'l Security Adviser H.R. McMaster

“Utmost confidence”? Is that the sound of the axe rising into striking position?


“However, the Trump administration has a poor track record when it
comes to publicly forecasting the careers of White House officials.”

Nicely put, Mr. Shuham.


The most important tidbit from the Bloomberg article for me, was that McFarland is still working in her NSC role, despite being “fired” and named as ambassador to Singapore some weeks ago. Which raised a lot of questions in my mind.

But beyond that, it read like a Bannon “anonymous” source smear against someone he is fighting with…again. And this response from Spicer is also just as meaningless.

This is what this WH does…they leak like a sieve, and float lots of trial balloons…all of it through anonymous sources…and then they deny it and castigate the media for reporting it.

You have to hand it to them, they know precisely how much the MSM relies on “access” reporting,and they play them like a violin because of it.


. . . . Until he didn’t


It is hell when you choose the right guy for the job and it works out!


“The President has the utmost confidence that McMaster will soon begin updating his resume.”


Yep, probably Thurs or Fri night.

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Didn’t Trump say the same thing about Flynn on the morning Trump fired Flynn?


Basically, they operate like courtiers in the court of one of the Byzantine Empire’s seemingly endless stream of half-crazed megalomaniacs would have if they’d had a free press.


"He has the utmost confidence in him.”

The kiss of death.


Strangely, this one may not be a simple dump and run. He is an honest man, with a notable career, is an external presence with a well regarded opinion and may very likely be a good soldier in the truest of ways.

He doesn’t have a reputation like Flynn.

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Oh geez. Just cut out the middleman already and give the job to Kislyak.

And the Republicans still wouldn’t object.


He can’t answer. Never came up before.

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Trump’s problem is that he’s running out of people willing to do the job. If he cans McMaster what other even remotely qualified person is going to take the job? And will McMaster’s firing trigger a split in the cabinet with folks like Mattis and Kelly?


The poopy’d hit the fan big time. If Trump can’t control his anger at some point, maybe it’ll happen. Better than launching the nukes, I guess.

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Trump seems to have lost every power struggle he’s had with McMaster. No one out maneuvers a general in bureaucratic warfare. This can’t sit well with a narcissist.

Doubt me? Ask Ambassador McFarland. Or Steve Bannon.


Kiss of death.

@irasdad - you beat me to it! :smile:

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Makes perfect sense that the competent, experienced guy needs to go.

Bannon must be rejoicing.


The Senate has to approve all ambassadors. It takes time in the most efficient administrations. This is not the most efficient administration.

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