Discussion: Spicer: Trump Has 'Utmost Confidence' In Nat'l Security Adviser H.R. McMaster

My first thought too…

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Spicer: Trump Has ‘Utmost Confidence’ In Nat’l Security Adviser H.R. McMaster

Yeah, so long as Bannon is looking over his shoulder:


Then its Miller Time! (Stephen)

Nah, he isn’t crazed enough to do that right?

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If I were McMaster, I’d let Miller slip the noose around his neck and then just push the chair out from under him.


“Utmost confidence.”

He’s out the door.


“I don’t believe he has,” Spicer said. “I mean, I think when you look at the President’s schedule this week, as I just noted to Sara a little while ago, there’s probably no one aside from family members that are spending more time with the President this week than Gen. McMaster.”

OK, but does time in the woodshed count?

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Lake noted in his article Monday that top White House aide Kellyanne Conway said that Flynn had Trump’s full confidence only hours before he was forced to resign.

Who said that?

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McMaster is finding out just how tasty is the “shit sandwich” from which retired Vice Admiral Robert Harward refused to take a bite.

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Bannon is probably trying to get McMaster fired. Playing a little Wormtongue behind the scenes. Trump is not the only one in that administration with revenge on his mind.


Heck, I’d do it if I were myself!

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McMaster had to take the job. As an active military officer, he has to obey a direct order from the Commander in Chief. If Trump fires him, he’ll probably pick another active officer to avoid conflict of interest issues and folks with homophobic or racist skeletons in their closets.

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Yeah trump said he could have gone with John Bolton. Doesnt matter since bannons calling the shots since trumps a total

Hey mcmaster can always walk…

John Bolton…


Another job title for Jared!

Bolton is going to be the new director of the FBI.

The Senate however, does not have to approve the removal of someone from the NSC. That should take basically 1 day for an inefficient administration. Not weeks.

sure, but we know Trump loves her. Her exit was negotiated and it’s in process. She’s not going to be left unemployed and waiting.

Here you go: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/report-ricky-waddell-replacing-kt-mcfarland-deputy-national-security-adviser

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