Discussion: Spicer Says Trump's Immigration Order Wasn't Meant To Lead To Deportations

Spicer Says Trump’s Immigration Order Wasn’t Meant To Lead To Deportations

Trump: It wasn’t? Does Bannon know what he is doing?


Oh, really??

How curious. What WAS it meant to do then??


These Spicer Red House pressers are just one lie after another.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Monday afternoon
   said that the Trump administration never meant to    

This will be the operative phrase for the next year …


Apparently it was meant to allow for indefinite detention while extreme vetting occurred.


never meant to deport people… it’s just a fringe benefit of our actions! fixed it for ya Grumpy Spice

True or False: The next Executive Order will be vetted by lawyers from the appropriate agency.


After eating his tie Spicer then said “Ogg-uug-yyuuj.” It turns out he was trying to swallow his tongue

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“It deals with people who are being deported. The action never spoke to it, never intended to deport people,” Spicer said.

A federal judge in New York on Saturday issued an order keeping U.S. officials from deporting people who fell under the travel ban and who were detained in American airports despite having valid visas.

Spicer claimed on Monday that the federal government never meant to deport any those who were detained. He said that officials detained them and determined whether or not “they sought to do us any harm.”

More mendacity. If you can’t enter a country’s borders you get sent back i.e. deported. I was a Project Mgr years ago and traveled with some team members for a meeting with a sub-contractor in Vancouver. One of my team members traveled with an Indian passport and was turned away by Canadian customs since he was required to have a work-visa for meetings (US passport holders didn’t have that problem). He was put on next flight to the US.


SpiceBoy says: We were hoping for executions, but had to settle for deportations.


Careful there, I nearly did myself in when I fell off my chair laughing…

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Really? Signing EOs that have not been vetted or reviewed by the relevant federal agencies and which are really nothing more than elaborate PR stunts can have unintended consequences?

Who knew?


That’s like saying, after you pushed Grannie off the cliff, that you “never meant” for her to hit the bottom.

OF COURSE there would be deportations, when the order was shared with the Homeland Security people as it was signed. OF COURSE there’d be deportations, because people were granted visas allowing entry to the U.S. OF COURSE there’d be deportations, because there were planes in the air, with people carrying valid visas promising entry into the U.S., when T-rump signed the order.


It’s not “deportation,” it’s “enhanced departure.”


Most incompetent administration in US HISTORY ! …

(and that’s saying something)

My bet on the first to quit the pressure cooker.

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That’s what I was thinking.

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It was intended to give some people “The Terminal: The Real-Life Experience.”

Even 5 year-olds can be like Tom Hanks!

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