Discussion: Son Of Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore Charged With Drug Possession

Did they check his bedroom in daddy’s house yet?
Probably a treasure trove in there behind the posters hanging on the walls.

Stone him!

Oh wait…too late.

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Sehr gut!

Perfect. I would not have posted what I did had I read yours first.

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I think he should be remanded to a Homosexual Conversion Facility

This is not his first drug bust, and it looks like he’s taking the stance that the whole episode was concocted by crooked cops who hate his dad.


In January, Caleb Moore told AL.com that he has done things he isn’t proud of and acted “young and immature,” but “that’s why God gives us salvation.”

“I’ve done nothing more than any other college kids,” he told AL.com “Because of who I am, it gets blown out of proportion. Since then I’ve got in a closer walk with the Lord. Whatever anyone says about me, it doesn’t bother me. The people who know me and know what’s true can really see what’s going on here and see through critics of my dad.”

Chip off the old block it appears.

EDIT: Reading the comments at the site it appears there’s a general consensus that Caleb is gay? Not that it matters, but it is an interesting twist.


I suspect that when the wave of marijuana legalization comes to the South, Alabama may be out in front rather than where they are on marriage equality. Hate to see anyone prosecuted for a crime like this, even Roy Moore’s son.


“If a man layeth with another man, they shall both be stoned.”

We’ve been misunderstanding all these years. The Bible allows for both gay sex and recreational marijuana use.


Just borrowing a phrase Mr Dylan that seems so apropos:

“How does it feel, ah how does it feel?
To be on your own, with no direction home
Like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone”

Don’t forget the Xanax, which if out of the original container (must have been or why mention it?) is a felony.

Seriously? You’re a horrible parent if your 24-year-old gets busted smoking weed? I think Moore is just as much of a douche as you do, but having a dope-smoking son makes him seem almost human.

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The hypocrisy is the problem not having a 24 year old child who does weed.


Son Of Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore Arrested On Drug Charges

Yessir’! Republican and Conservative “Family Values” AGAIN of display.

…and then ol’ Roy rushed right home and began to chisel off that pesky 5th Commandment off his personal granite Ten Commandments monument, placed right in the middle of his foyer, and flanked by the stars and bars.
“Ain’t that boy a pistol? WoooWeee!” he mumbled.

And as Alabammy’ Father of the Year, Roy, we got something just for you. and…You’re welcome.


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Mah son wuz gittin’ hagh. Mah SON wuz GITTIN’ HAGH!

Moore’s the pity.

Ain’t that the truth !

You’re evil! (I like that in a person)

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I think SRfromGR is onto something! I got a feeling that the boy is going to come out of the closet!

If his father wasn’t so preoccupied with what people are doing in their bedrooms, it’s quite possible this story would be different.