Discussion for article #234356
Thou shalt not do drugs isn’t in the commandments
I hope Moore insists that his son be sentenced with the same severity that a similar young black man would receive.
'Cause I’m sure Moore is ALL about fairness!
To quote Nelson Muntz “HA-HA!”
I’m sympathetic. If I had Roy for a father, I’d be smoking crack daily.
Not only were they in possession of illegal drugs, but they lied to the cops, too.
Also not in the commandments, which, according to Moore and his ilk, is the basis for our country’s laws.
The hunt continues.
Maybe Moore should have looked after his own family instead of getting all up in everyone else’s business.
I’d be fucked up on drugs everyday too if I had a douchebag father like he does. Although I think I’d need something stronger to knock the mental image of that prick out of my mind.
I kinda feel for the young man. How’d you like to grow up with that fucking intolerant monster as your father?
Not in the commandments, unless they blamed someone else for putting the drugs there. Keep looking.
You beat me to it. Just posted essentially the same thing.
But… but… but… The Gheys!
Great minds…
I’ve always found it interesting when “pro-family” advocates are shown to be horrible parents.
Seriously. It’s like an ideal they hold dear with no clue how to go about doing it.
Taking the schaden in my freude to a whole new level.
If only the boy had been adopted by two nice gay folks instead of being raised by Judge Roy…
I’m just waiting for the kid to come out as gay. That would be welcomed as perhaps a bigger piece de resistance, or a very special dish which as they say, is best served cold.
It’s called “coping.”
Based on the strained legal arguments of Judge Roy Moore, I’d say he was smokin’ somethun’ instead of the son.