What is it with these Moore-ons? Every day some Moore (or less) reveals how shallow their gene pool is.
Ancestry.com® says their branch of the family originated in Tea-bagistan and their moronic, bible-thumping, Repuglican-teabagerism has been soundly disavowed by the rest of us! Geez!
I’ve a lot of potential sympathy for the kid, just based on the little info in the article. A dad like his, and all he’s done is carry a little pot and has some anti-anxiety meds, most likely needed. By the time our various states and govt finish overhauling the drug laws he wouldn’t even have been touched for this, except maybe if he stole the Xanax. At least he’s not falling close to the tree, it appears, which is not a bad thing. Dad could use some chilling out himself.
I’ve been very lucky with my children, both as children and as adults. But I was a very errant young adult myself. That was not my parents fault. They were great parents, and my siblings were better behaved than I. We are not responsible for what our parents do, nor for what our adult children do, nor for what anyone else does, but only for what we ourselves do. My response to this story is, “So what?”
Fortunately, thanks to The ACA/ Obama Care, his son is on Judge Roys’ (the law west of the Arkansas River) insurance, so this young man can get drug treatment.
There are a lot of things that make Roy Moore a complete ass. This isn’t one of him. The fact that he has a son who was caught with weed makes him just like millions of other parents in the United States. Pot has never been my thing; was never around the house when my sons were growing up and I consider myself a very good parent. I still had one son who did his damndest to be a juvenile delinquent during this teen years. He’s now gotten it together and is doing very well in college. Long story short (yeah, yeah, I know; too late) this has very little to do with what kind of person Roy Moore is.
I won’t hold the father accountable for the sins of his son. That said, I’d sure like to see the father arrested for Being Stupid in Public. Unfortunately, at least in Alabama, being a racist homophobic bigot isn’t illegal, and Moore wouldn’t much care even if it was. At the least he should be disbarred.
Very true. I mean, back when Howard Dean’s son got busted for a small bit of marijuana, he didn’t whine, complain or throw a fit…he went home and fixed it- including making sure his son went through mandatory court diversion (which is state law for first time offenders under a certain number of grams). IT seems like Conservatives treat their children like props and Liberals treat their children like human beings.
I would not wish this on anyone but, as it has happened, perhaps the Chief “Justice” can spend more time now taking care of his own family’s business and stay out of other people’s marriages.
Let’s see this POS deal out a little of that biblical punishment on his kid…stoning, lashing, you know, that corrective shit. I hear it works real well.
No, No, No - it’s in that tablet that Mel Brooks dropped, which means it should really have been “The 15 Commandments”, along with such stalwarts as “Thou Shalt Not Take My Guns”, “Thou Shalt Not Be Gay ('cause it’s gross)”, and “It’s All Obama’s Fault” (The last one is left blank so you can fill it whatever you need to win an argument with a Librul…)
I agree. I understand the rage at the dad’s politics, but I am leery to tar the kid with “the sins of the father.” Nor is the father necessarily a bad dad on account of the son’s failures and mistakes. Too many unknowns and variables at play here.