Discussion for article #234395
The liberal Alabama media and the leftist police Alabama is famous for are trying to ruin another conservative. Book it.
Another graduate of the Wasilla Kardashian School of Victimhood
Don’t forget the corrupt judges, sonny.
Well, that and the drugs he possessed, sure.
So if you aren’t a user, then it’s possession with intent to sell. (allegedly.) Or did the evil media plant the pot on you?
The nut didn’t fall far from THAT tree…
Ironic thing - if he was truly correct - he’d now be as good as a dead man & all this ranting would seal his fate.
Another poster boy for the Party of Personal Responsibility for Thee but Not for Me.
" crooked police officers "
Teatroll Rosetta Stone says: “These fuckers totally ignored that I’m white and privileged and have a powerful father!!! This is INEXCUSABLE!!! Do i look black to you, huh, do I, DO I LOOK BLACK TO YOU!!! This is an outrage!!!”
Someone here (forgot who, sorry!) posted a link to the Alabama paper yesterday. This guy is just as bugfuck nuts as his dad.
Golly gee gosh, they’re VICTIMS, don’t you libs get it?! Professional VICTIMS!!!
I see the stinkfruit doesn’t fall far from the stinkfruit tree.
Between this and Aaron Schock’s resignation, my cup of schadefreude runneth over.
This is not Caleb Moore’s first brush with the law. He pleaded guilty to drug charges in 2013 in St. Clair County, Alabama and was sentenced to probation. In 2011, he was arrested and charged with driving under the influence and drug possession. In that instance he pleaded to be charged as a youthful offender.
Hey look you sorry waste of skin, just because it worked for George W. Bush does not mean it will work for you.
Times have changed (and your moron-father is NOT head of the CIA.)
Apparently, whackadoodle hypocrisy is a genetic flaw in the Moore family.
I just heard a
Did some conservative get accused of something?
His THIRD drug arrest!
He’d better hope he doesn’t get pulled over any time soon!