Discussion: Son Of Alabama Chief Justice Blames 'Crooked Police,' Media For Drug Arrest

On the list of Teabagger excuses, “The liberal media” is number four.


Oh, blow me, you wuss. No one is going to have any sympathy for your plight. Your hypocritical father made sure of that. Your “piousness” and your lame “liberal conspiracy” excuses are not going to save you from your upcoming “gay marriage” in prison.


“I’m white and privileged. How dare you to arrest me?” There FIFY.


If the police were crooked wouldn’t this fellow be in the morgue with a toe tag?


He is unwittingly admitting what people have been saying for years: that just as many if not more middle/upper class non-minorities have contraband/drugs in their possession, yet an unconscionably higher percentage of minorities are harassed/charged for these types of offenses.

Even if his claim were true, maybe he knows what it feels like to be profiled now? Now imagine that happening nearly every day of your life once you hit a certain age, and …well, I don’t expect him to ever be sympathetic. Never mind.


The only ting better if it was the judge.

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Cut this poor young man a break. He is obviously suffering from the most dangerous degenerative disease of all, Southern White Christian Affluenza.


You have to love the support he gets from his FB friends for tightly cropped, unverifyable shot of an un-named person’s drug test…

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So when he yelled, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” at the officer, was the answer yes or no?


Or, if we took him at his word, we might way “Welcome to the world of crooked police. Doesn’t feel so good when the shoe is on the other foot, right?”


Blaming everyone else within earshot is not the behavior of an innocent person.
If arrested for drugs and it’s a wrong arrest I would think the party would demand a drug test, declare their innocence say they’d be happy to take this unjust arrest (if that actually is the case) to court., and then let their lawyer handle the rest. But casting about rather desperately to accuse anyone else smells of guilt.


So then does this count as 3 strikes yer out? He could get heavy jail time and a roomie named Bubba.

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You’re right… yesterday with the first report, I had some sympathy for the young’un, and thought maybe he wasn’t like his dad. Oh well… LOL I just hope he isn’t planning on becoming a politician. Or a judge. We need a break from the Moores.

Bwwahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! More ‘victimhood’ from the Rightie Con and Bagger whining tittybabies’ who make up the Republican Party. …You remember! “The Party of Personal Responsibility.”

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He understands that the active ingredient in pot stays in the system for at least a month.

Yes. This quote is revealing:

“This is nothing more than a prime example of how media and crooked police officers and critics of my dad try to not only destroy his career for what he stands for but will go as far as trying to destroy his family,”

In other words, the “do you know who my father is?” ploy didn’t work with the cops.


The Ten Commandments don’t mention weed or controlled substances, so it’s all good.

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I’m surprised Alabama doesn’t have a three strikes law. Good, law-abiding Alabamians deserve to see Caleb receive an automatic life sentence. These scofflaws, they have no respect for the rule of law…


“Liberal” Alabama police?


His father will support him 100% of course.

Unless he’s gay of course. Then his judgy dad will throw him into jail himself.

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This is how it would have happened if he was black: