Would you also remove anything from Rush Limpballs and other right wingnut conspiracy theorists?
You beat me to the punch.
Excuse me while I close the barn door!
This is going to be the new fashion. Gun dealers will throw in a wireless capable GoPro in the sale of a new assault rifle.
I for one think that this kind of videos should be broadcast in open TV, pictures of the crime site, with all the blood, guts and brains plastered in the front page of newspapers. I want general public to understand that guns are not innocuous toys.
Yep should have shown videos of the Sandy Hook murder as well.
Doesn’t get much clearer than this.
New Zealand mass murderer prior to killings declared Donald Trump as a “symbol of renewed white identity”.
States he started planning the attacks after Trump’s election.
Agree that most of the public is blissfully unaware of the horrors of gun violence and that most of the public would actually be horrified.
But there’s a small but growing portion of the public that might take this as inspiration or guidance, and that bothers me a lot. Copy Cats and avowed racists who are just looking for a mentor would love this a bit too much, I’m afraid.
[quote=“mondfledermaus, post:5, topic:85661”]
I for one think that this kind of videos should be broadcast in open TV, pictures of the crime site, with all the blood, guts and brains plastered in the front page of newspapers. I want general public to understand that guns are not innocuous toys.[/quote]
Something like this happened recently with the “This is my lane” Twitter meme of posts by ER doctors and nurses of what treatment rooms look like after gunshot victims have been treated. I suspect it was quite effective: To my knowledge, Dana Loesch (at whom those posts were directed after she told trauma surgeons to stop talking about gun violence as a public health issue) doesn’t tell those people to shut up any more.
Yep, much like that horrifying scene from A Clockwork Orange where Alex has his eyelids held open so that he is forced to watch films of the violence he has been committing with his little band of Droogies.
I’ll tell you this…each time one of these incident happens I fight off flash memories from my first firefight in Vietnam. Horrible stuff.
Sadly it wouldn’t make much difference. People are accustomed to seeing movie and TV characters shot and killed but they always come back to life in another movie or show.
So see dummy? Guns cannot really kill people.
Good luck getting consent waivers to show that from all the families affected. And yes I know “news” doesn’t always need consent, but boy would the lawyers be all over this. Would you want the world to see your kid or your spouse getting killed? Some of us here might, to have an impact on gun control. But likely not in the shock of the first few days after the event.
If we want to show the impact of guns, then video from the ER and surgery on gunshot wounds after this kind of thing might be more effective, and maybe easier to get consent for.
Exactly. Too late for that. When I read about this last night, people were already calling for it to be removed.
You theory would appear to be that this would discourage violence, personally I think it would further inflame passions and desensitize folks to the suffering involved. And remember, that would go both ways - if you run the video of a Muslim being gunned down, you’re going to have someone run a video of a white person being gunned down and that will be run on continuous loop at every RWNJ site on the net - “Look what they did to us - to arms, citizens!”
No, your last sentence seemed to hint a better way - video of weeping parents might touch folks who were too calloused from previous propaganda to care.
I think the most effective video we’ve seen in raising awareness in years was the material that came out of Florida from the Parkland kids. Scared the bejebus out of the Right for a while because they didn’t pick sides or criticize individuals, but made a strong case for change. Would love to see more along those lines.
The fact is that there is tons of gore out there, you only have to search a little bit, it’s perfectly legal, the pervs will find it without any problem.
I feel the gore needs to be brought to the general public attention. If you ask any regular housewife, she will tell you that she has no problem gun ownership, she is not into guns herself, but she is not into Bonzai trees either, so she is perfectly fine that someone having guns for hobby.
From the archives:
On April 15, 1945, the German civilians from the nearby town of Weimar were brought to see the evidence of Nazi atrocities…
General George S. Patton wrote in his autobiography that the number of Weimar citizens brought to the camp was 1,500, although other accounts say it was 2,000. The German civilians had to march five miles up a steep hill, escorted by armed American soldiers. It took two days for the Weimar residents to file through the camp.
“We didn’t know.” This was what the German civilian population would say over and over again…
The American army was determined that the ordinary German people should see…
Not sure, I once went to Brazil and there on one side of a cigarette pack was a picture about the dangers of smoking, cancerous lungs, a patient with emphysema. A guy was buying next to me at street vendor and he got a pack that had a picture that said “smoking causes ED”, he asked the vendor to exchange it for one pack that causes cancer.
As a reporter, I heard audio (there was no video) of a clearly unwarranted killing by police, including the victim’s groans and words as he bled out over long minutes. It was far more horrifying and affecting than any video I’ve seen. It also took away the similarity to video games or movies.
There’s a difference between cigarette pack warnings and murder porn, which is literally what showing that video does.
ISIS liked to put together murder porn videos and post them online, helped to get them recruits.
That means they’ll be removed by 2087.
If the first-person-shooter game is any good, the targets shoot back, or worse.