Discussion: Social Media Platforms Rush To Remove Video Of New Zealand Mosque Shootings

They were not your regular warnings that we had over here, it was a actual photos of cancerous lungs and of a man about to die.

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I’ve been overseas for most of the past couple decades, so quite familiar with those. Grotesque, for sure.

But that’s not some “hero” running around killing people, which is what that horrific video spreading is going to become.

Since it’s already loose, no avoiding that the next sickos who go on a murder rampage are going to have a copy on their computer when the cops come to check their stuff after.

No need to spread that vile stuff further.

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My step father was one of the Soldiers with them. He had just returned to his unit after spending time at Dachau.

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Nearly 65 years ago, the American Civil Rights movement accelerated when Emmett Till’s mother made the decision to show his brutalized remains to the world. The offense to decency was so profound that many Americans found their willful ignorance of racial subjugation untenable.

I’m not so sure we could get a similar reaction these days. From decent-thinking Americans–certainly the majority–yes; but the more virulent depraved actors would take strength from the vision of carnage. And it only takes a few of their kind to terrorize us all.

Including Trump’s tweets and speeches.

I understand the impulse. My worry is the images would be caught up in the trend of increasingly graphic violence in TV and movies and further inure ‘viewers’ to the harm being inflicted. I also think there’s a subset of crazies out there who would compete for the goriest most offensive live streams. Most people would be appalled; some would be enthralled and want to try it out themselves. I already am troubled by this monster’s misuse of a GoPro camera. I can’t see where increasing access to more violent content has had a beneficial effect on society.

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