Clearly the work of radical islamist terrorists… /snark
Looks like Trump has a shortcut for when he visits his dad.
Where the hell is Weekly World News, goddamit!
The Bat Boy would be coming put of that sinkhole if WWN was still in the supermarket check out line.
“Sinkhole Opens Up In Front Of Mar-A-Lago.”
“I’ll take Fitting Metaphors for $1,000, Alex.”
What’s up with this? I ordered locusts! And not when he was out of town, either!!
Next time use Amazon. Bezos will make sure it goes through.
The man doesn’t listen. We told him to stop digging.
FL tax dollars at work to repair the street sinkhole.
Donald will Tweet out a complaint against the City for shoddy work. This will be followed within one week by statements from the Mar-a-Lago contractor who connected the water main about not being paid and the construction inspector now working for the Trump organization.
These things happen when you finish hollowing out the remnants of your soul.
Satan is impatient for his prey.
God dont like ugly
It’s now being reported that music is emanating from the Mar-a-Lago Thars-a-Holo.
Lawyers have been dispatched to trademark the abyss,
along with crews to install the signature TRUMP signage.
Just wait til Mar-e-Coli floods from sea-level rise from so-called “fake” global warming.
Dear FSM,
For your consideration, there is a way for events to unfold that would make the above sentence even better:
A sinkhole opened Monday underneath President Donald Trump.
Who knew that Mar-e-Coli even had running water?
Back off, dude. She’s working on my prayer (for a 20-acre black hole) first!
It's a shame the main club closed on Mother's Day.
It’s been a long time since I’ve felt as giddy as I do now imagining the powerless rage orange is feeling since he can’t leave and tend to a hole where the rain gets in (h/t Sgt. Pepper).