Discussion: ‘Simply False’: Obama Spox Denies Trump Wire Tap Accusation

So you think we’ll soon be hearing calls from the GOP to open a special congressional investigation into the serious matter of Obama ordering the bugging of private citizen Trump?


Well, you see, that’s what you libtards fail to understand. The same people who are hiding the Kenyan birth certificate are the same people that are hiding Obummer Bam-Bam’s wiretap orders. Connect the dots!
(This is even funnier when you consider that the majority of the Trump supporters actually believe it, as do a sizable chunk of the GOP at large.)


The REASON that the sociopath Donald J. Trump has no friends is because there is nothing in it for anyone. If you give one freakin’ inch and try and show respect he takes it as weakness and screws you as hard as he can. He is a nasty little freak.


What year was that photo taken? Cohn looks like he’s already succumbing to AIDS there.





That would be about right. You know he even bumped another person from the initial AZT trials, don’t you? He used his government connections to get in the study. He was truly scum.


Wait until Trump discovers that Obama bugged the Oval Office and that he listens in on all of Trump’s conversations there. That explains all of the purported leaks. That should really blow his mind.


They’re all Jack Twist now, those CPACers need to start their own investigation.


I was just looking at pictures TPM has posted now.


The one crowd of any size I saw was over half counterdemonstrators.

Are they ever going to get how outnumbered they are?


Temperament, temperament, Donnie! Take your meds! Sad!

And, in order to tap a US citizen on a corruption or RICO investigation they wouldn’t let the WH know about it. If it had something to do with a national security threat or other issue related to foreign influence the FBI would have to go through a FISA judge I believe and still wouldn’t have the WH involved in that decision.


Is this going to be a weekly thing with Trump and his supporters? They had one of these last week, too, and the turnout was just as embarrassingly low then. Anyone else might have learned from that…


They will in 2018, if we can keep the heat on.


It’s been less then 2 months who knows where we are going to be in a year and a half from now.


Remember, Jerry. It’s not a lie…if YOU believe it.

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Yeah I think we all know we need to turn out next year but that is next year.

We’re only 5 weeks into this administration and we are all the way to the weekend massacre and Martha Mitchell being put in the boobyhatch so she can’t spill any more beans.


I always knew that Trump was stupid. When you’re stupid while poor, it means you usually end up at some menial job; stupid while rich means Mums and Daddums find a way to use their money, power, and influence to get you a college degree (Wharton, bitches!!!)
I always knew Trump was egotistical and always knew he was a narcissist.
But I never knew how much of a stupid, egotistical narcissist he really was until this morning when, because he has an ego inflated to the size of the Death Star (“That’s no moon!”- H/T: Obi Baby) and an ego so large it blocks out any sentient intelligence he may have ever possibly possessed, he decided to go after one of the most erudite and civilized (and nicest and most respected) Presidents in recent history. So far, only former members of Obama’s administration and one of his spokespersons have responded to Trump’s insane assertions, but when Obama finally does speaks out against Trump himself, and, hopefully, with the surgical precision that he did to Trump at the Correspondent’s Dinner a few years back, but only in a totally serious and somber tone, since these are libelous accusations, any responses that Donald will have to Obama’s remarks will look oafish and infantile because, of course, Trump is an infantile oaf.


Oh please, oh please open that investigation . . .