Discussion: Sheriff Apologizes To Female Lawyers Asked To Take Off Bras To Enter Jail

Discussion for article #241072

Another non-apology apology… we got caught doing something stupid but but…


Is it me or does it seem that law enforcement has found it best to recruit low-intelligence, misogynistic, trigger-happy, fools to protect and serve us?


Robert Macdonald, the Mayor of Lewiston, MN, is outraged these jailers were made to back down and apologize. He plans to introduce legislation calling for the names, addresses, age, and bra sizes of lawyers visiting Maine jails to be published in a directory available to the public.

Macdonald commented, “For too long these public defenders have collected hard earned taxpayer dollars and failed to let us know the brand and size of their brassiers!! It has to stop!! What are they paying for them?! Are they buying them at Walmart, or some fancy women’s store, wasting public funds on “pretty things”?! Maine voters deserve to know!!!”


The story needs some fleshing out, but going on what was written, it seems that the guards are afraid that the lawyers are smuggling in contraband … and nobody would notice when a woman suddenly removed her blouse and bra in the general prison population to deliver said contraband? Seriously … THESE are the people guarding the jail?


It’s doubtful a college degree is required to get one of these jobs. The initial training and qualification is likely short term, skipping many of the skills and assessments a police officer possesses and endures. The pay is probably significantly below a police officer. If these guards had the intelligence, drive, education and situational judgment skills to excel at a higher level of law enforcement that’s probably what they’d be doing. You often get what you pay for in employing people.

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Just in minority and poor neighborhoods. At 2AM in Hattiesburg, MS Tyrone and Shaniqua get beat up and/or shot during a 3AM traffic stop, or at minimum the car is towed and they’re hauled off to jail. For a broken tailight or an air freshener hanging from the rearview mirror. In Bel Air, CA Brittany and Chad get a lecture about being out late and followed home.


Joyce also said that the possibility of contraband slipping into the jail is a serious concern and that is why jail workers take security scans very seriously

Do they realize that there are many forms of contraband that are not metallic?
If they were truly concerned about keeping “contraband” from entering the facility, then they should require every visitor to submit to a body cavity probe.


Seems nothing’s off limits if it lowers taxes. The right doesn’t want government to work. Chaos is their friend.


Please. Don’t give them ideas!


Finally, derp-minded stupidity in Maine, not a result of Clown Gov. Le Page…or is it?


MN is Minnesota. I think you are referring to ME, i.e. Maine.

Now that’s owning it.


F’ing asshole!!

More of the gop/bag war on women…meh

Since others have now complained, how long has this been going on and why were there no complaints sooner? Are these attorneys new to this district?

Next we will hear how the underwires can be made into weapons of mass destruction.

Maybe they can’t handle that new-fangled hand wanding technology.


I think “fleshing out” was what the guards were after.


When did Maine start sliding from “charmingly eccentric” to “obnoxious ignorant asshole”?


About the same time that New Hampshire also changed.

OMG! The underwire bomber is back!


Well, to be fair, I have seen two separate TV shows where a woman used her underwire to pick locks. And TV writers are about as good a source as you can find.