Discussion for article #233801
The theme here IZZZZZZZ … BillO can’t handle the TRUTH.
[Screw up face into expression of exasperation.]
Not so! In fact, after months of eggs - ZOSSTIVE
in-depth research and proFESSional analysis,
by the Factors’ crack fact checkers -
ANNNDD yours truly -
[Arch eyebrow to punctuate obvious propriety.]
turns OUT the TRUTH can’t handle your humble reporter
[Jerk thumb boldly upward towards YHR], namely … me.
“Top 7” of how many more times he won the Pinnochio?
Only 7? I remember Keith Olbermann hit O’Reilly on his Marist Football claims plus his tryout with the Mets where he shrinks Tom Seaver in height to 5’10" and claims Seaver was there at the tryout with him in 1971 when Seaver had already won the Cy Young in 1969 and was the ace of the Mets pitching staff.
He isn’t a journalist. He doesn’t even play one on TV. We’ve known it for years. It’s only the reality-challenged community, i.e. conservatives, who think otherwise.
And sadly, no matter how many times you point out that Bill lies for a living, they are not going to care. His ratings will only go up because they reality-challenged community will see him as a martyr.
“7” lies from BillO’ is the proverbial “drop in the bucket”! Here’s a list of 99 lies from O’Reilly from DailyDot and it’s certainly not a complete list of the lies “No Sense Zone” Bill has told:
Heck Sean Hannity put Birther and anti Semitic crazy Andy Martin on his show and called him a respected journalist.
The Secret Life of Bill O"Mitty.
I was pretty interested in this story at the beginning. I naively thought the journalistic community would hold Bill O’Reilly to account for the incredible lies he’s told through the years, the aggrandizement, the total lack of integrity. But it turns out that they did not, and all it amounted to was that apparently no one is really surprised O’Reilly lies his ass off, and that he will never receive any negative repercussions for being a blowhard lying piece of $h!t.
That is to say, Fox News remains a cesspool of bs that miserable old people tune in to in order to accelerate their deaths. “Anger/Fear/Outrage Induced Euthanasia” if you will. And that those same old people don’t give a crap whether Fox says anything that’s true or not, as long as they keep insulting and screaming at minorities, the young, women, gays, non-christians, the poor… well… at anyone other than those old white folk.
That is to say, after this whole episode, it will remain status quo. It’s very sickening, really. Makes you lose a bit of hope for humanity.
Every word out of Bill-0 the KKKlown’s mouth is a lie.
Even when he farts and belches he lies!
The amazing thing is that the more Fox people watch, the less they know. How can something be unlearned?
Roger Ailes’ favorite song:
old news, eh, Al Franken wrote about it years ago?
Interesting that these prodigious fabrications haven’t gotten him to boot, while Brian Williams much more mild exaggeration has him taking a 6 month hiatus. Confirms what we knew about who cares about their reputation for truthful reporting (not that NBC cares about actual truth.)
But a report by Media Matters last week cast serious doubts on his
claims, citing contemporaneous accounts, a police report, and interviews
with former colleagues.
Cast doubts? Oh, come on; the report proves O’Reilly lied.
Trouble with the truth? Just say it: Bill O’Reilly is a liar.
What’s he going to do about it? Sue half the country?
Fox News: it’s Kevorkian for your brain.
Hey BillO’…Got your perfect intro song. It’s both accurate and salutes the slavish devotion of your pinhead, redneck and guttersnipe BillObots’!
Ailes confronts O’Liely
I never watch FOX nr Mr. O’Reilly; apparently I’ve not been missing much.
O’Reilly is the figurehead of an entire network that’s been known to be completely full of shit for almost two decades now. They’re not journalists and shouldn’t be held to the same standards or spoken about in the same tone as actual journalists. They’re the propaganda wing of the Republican party, and shame doesn’t exist over there. Watching O’Reilly’s outing as a liar is like watching a sudden surge in stories about how water is wet. Of course he’s full of shit. It’s Bill O’Reilly and it’s Fox News. Their industry is, literally, to spin things out of context and make stuff up.