Brian Williams
Keith Olbermann
Dan Rather
Ed Shultz
Real news networks take action when their employees make serious errors.
Brian Williams
Keith Olbermann
Dan Rather
Ed Shultz
Real news networks take action when their employees make serious errors.
Three posts on Billo the Liar. Nothing happening today?
Entitled elitists are above reproach.
(“Why? Because it feels so gddm good!”)
These are just the currently raved about 7 whoppers, there is a veritable laundry list of tall tales that Oreilly has told.
He’s a dishonest, angry, letch, no doubt but that isn’t a disqualification for his job, its the prerequisite. Brian Williams, for instance, would have to intentionally start lying about his entire career and not just little white lie sort of lying either, I’m talking major bullshit slung in serial fashion, repeated often and memorialized in print just to enter Oreilly’s league.
Oreilly isn’t #1 at the make believe news station for no reason, he lied his way to the top and lies about lying to stay there. Its Oreilly’s mission statement, Lie until caught, then lie about lying. Simple really.
Is that Bill-O in the back row?
Seriously…CALL HIM A LIAR. Put it in print and dare him to sue you. In fact, literally send him the dare. The defense to slander/libel is TRUTH. Let him try to prove to a jury looking at all this evidence that calling him a liar was itself a lie. The tort suit will never ever ever stick. TPM and the rest should be shitting the word liar all over Bill-O.
It’s sorta fascinating that in the world of modern journalism, such as it is, lying about your person achievements or actions seems to be the only thing that gets notice. Lying about what’s going on in the world is just par for the course if you’re on the right side of the aisle.
I guess we’ve already exceeded the “5 Points” limit, huh?
O’Really’s already broke the mold on that one.
Meanwhile, Roger Ailes considers that ‘Biggest Liar’ has its privileges. He’s believes BillO deserves a Peabody for his dramatic role as a pretend journalist…not public condemnation.
Why can’t everyone just leave BillO alone? Don’t you know he’s the REAL VICTIM here?
That’s actually what’s happening, at a number of publications. Even TPM being relatively soft in its descriptions is open to being sued for calling him a liar, on the basis that such is the inescapable conclusion from the words used in its pieces on BillO. If that was the only real problem - that publications covering this aren’t being DIRECT enough - then BillO wouldn’t have any way out.
But BillO does in fact have a way out, and that’s his public status, akin to a pol. Not his CELEBRITY status, tho: if BillO were to sue as nothing but a celebrity distinct from his public status (akin to a pol), his lawsuits would have a chance of getting past a motion for summary dismissal. But he won’t do that, because he calls himself a journalist rather than an entertainer, or paid professional bullshitter. Thus the very excuse that prevents him losing defamation lawsuits he doesn’t want to file anyway is itself a lie.
Oh, c’mon people. I’ve seen the video, and Bill clearly had his fingers crossed every time he told one of these so-called “lies.” Besides, he’s a pundit, not a newsman. It’s just his opinion that he was in the Falklands war zone, or outside the door of the Florida suicide, or at the signing of the Declaration of Independence (saw picture of that, too).
The sad thing is that these episodes of serial lying aren’t going to change a thing at Fox, and if anything, will help BillO. All BillO has to do is shriek “the liberal media claims I’m lying! Who are you going to believe, them or me?” and the Fox viewers, and conservatives in general, will engage their super-human powers of victimhood and circle the wagons around him to protect him. It won’t change their opinion of him at all.
To non-Fox viewers, it completely shreds what little credibility he had, but people at Fox don’t care.
Bill O’Reilly…confusing fiction with truth since…uh…er…forever!
I have to follow politics (and marginal clowns like O’Reilly) for my job…
so I had already looked into each of these. Still, it’s nice to see some
of the bigger whoppers in one place, for those folks who just casually
follow these things, and wonder if Bill-o is being treated fairly. He is.
p.s. I love the “We’ll do it lies!” comment…the
“Bill O’Reilly Flips Out — DANCE REMIX”
YouTube vid has been one of the best things on the internet for years.
What I find incredulous is not Billo’s behavior, but that anyone would take him seriously. There are an lot of people who do (including people I love). It’s just a reminder to me that I know very little about human nature - helps me keep my feet on the ground. Thanks Bill!
Oh, and is it fun watching him roast. I’m sure he’ll come out stronger than ever, but in the mean time, schadenfreude nirvana!
The Oh Really? Zone.
Libtard ParTISAN wITCH HUNt agaINSt one OF aMErica’s TRULY great thOUGHT LEADers.
Well, maybe those are the most recent top 7 times but there are lots more. I mean, check out this in a random sample of 10 months:
MAY 24, 2012 : On the David Letterman Show, O’Reilly said waterboarding led to the capture of Osama Bin Laden’s driver.
May 24, 2012: Same show. O’Reilly denied President Bush II had ever said he didn’t think about bin Laden anymore, Which he did 10 years earlier:
May 24, 2012: Again, same show. O’Reilly claimed President Obama had botched the economy.
July 17, 2012: On the O’Reilly Factor while talking to San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, O’Reilly claimed that Black people voted for Obama because they were dependent on government entitlements.
O’REILLY: Alright, but that’s a nice view if you’re a Democrat. But someone else would say the Democrats moved in and gave them all kinds of entitlements, making them dependent on the Democratic party and the state, which is not a good thing.
August 17, 2012: O’Reilly claimed that he had never called George Tiller, the murdered abortion doctor in Kansas, a killer.
November 29, 2013: O’Reilly insists on his show that Christianity isn’t a religion.
March 12, 2013: On his show, Bill claimed that then-Colorado House Speaker Mark Ferradino, who is gay, was protecting child molestors because he opposed a law mandating excessive prison time child sexual offenders, in the process trying to equate ‘gay’ with pedophilia.
But in the most egregious example–it was in the spring of 2006 – he once claimed that at the Battle of the Bulge American G.I.'s shot down German SS troops who were trying to surrender at Malmedy in Belgium. And he did it twice, with oddly enough, the same guest on two separate occasions. Even O’Reilly’s audience, some of whom were THERE, said he was just wrong.
Billo not only issued a bland ‘correction.’ of what he meant to say, but Fox Not the News scrubbed its transcript of the interview, saying Bill had actually said “NORMANDY,” not '“MALMEDY.”
I hate to state the obvious…but there is a very good reason most people with any sense call Fox News, Faux or some derivation thereof. I mean, its not like people just pulled that moniker out of their asses and chose it to sum up everything that gets touted on that cable channel. O’Reilly has always been a big factor in that designation.
Call it the O’Reilly Factor if you will. Faux owns that cretin, ergo Faux is Faux.