Sessions is a little man. That he is short has nothing to do with it.
Was Sessions part of the Trump campaign’s inner circle? I think he stayed away from an official position on the transition team.
A cute reply but it doesn’t do the trick for me because the original comments were not meant as double entendre.
You mean you object to calling Jeffy the Confederate House Elf? Too bad.
People with children tell me this is so.
Well, that’s my reply. It wasn’t meant to be cute.
Two false equivalences, and you need to ditch the high horse crapola.
This country has never had a history of legally condoned discrimination, slavery, murder over height, where it has done so over skin color to both african americans, asians, and yeah, the irish.
In this thread people are not criticizing Sessions for his height, they are mocking him for his height. He is being mocked because he attempted to and sometimes succeeded in implementing policies that needlessly directed people to fill up the US’ prisons, and to orphan thousands of children for political gain. We will mock him for anything we damned please, and given the opportunity I will piss and spit on his gravestone even though his gravestone is innocent of Sessions’ choices.
Donald Trump is not a hard-ass, by far.
He’s stupid and ineffective. His Department of Justice has been purposely mismanaged and damaged.
Worse, he is currently, actively obstructing justice.
He lied a out meeting Kislyak, didn’t he? He was in Trump’s corner from the beginning. What did he know and what did he do? I hope we find out.
I think that he was present at the meeting where someone (Papadop?) suggested arranging a Trump/Putin get-together, and Sessions shut that down. So, he was more than just peripherally involved.
All together now, “You Lie!”
I loved being a Mom when I was raising my sons. Little League, school concerts, family vacations… I savored it. I love being a grandmother now, but must admit that I’m very happy to return the tots to their parents when their visits are over. I just don’t have the energy I had before. Those little guys wear me out in just a couple of hours. Nevertheless, they’re adorable little guys and I love being their Nonna.
"…President Donald Trump’s repeated attacks on his one of his earliest establishment supporters may have irreparably harmed the Alabamian’s standing with the state’s Republican base.’
Ain’t that some shiite.
I hope he gets to spend some of his free time in front of several House committees explaining his actions during the elections – all those meetings with Russians that he could not remember.
Don’t want anyone to get the wrong impression, but husband and I didn’t have children, I’d have interactions with the little kids in the family but not too often, but I am a step-grandmother to two young adults and there’s a lot of bragging going on about them.