Cole said Obama acting unilaterally on immigration would “poison the well” in Congress, echoing top Republicans who have issued the same warning.
Isn’t poisoning wells grounds for impeachment? It sounds like a pretty serious crime to me. John Boehner would be upchucking for days and probably land in the intensive care ward if Obama were to act on immigration.
It’s true that Barton isn’t in the Republican leadership of the House, but he’s no freshman backbencher from Nowhere, TX either. He’s been in Congress for 30 years and was chair of the Energy & Commerce Committee until a few years ago.
And yet, at least two law firms publicly have quit the case or refused to take it up.
I think it has something to do with if Client A wants to give you $100, but doing business with Client A will cost you Clients B-Z, who each pay $80, is not a wise business decision.
Its a whole math thing.
A few years ago when he joined the Tea Party caucus. Wasn’t he one of the ones that lost his seat when Boehner was trying to discipline them for going against leadership?
Either way, today he is definitely on the bench.