Discussion: Senior GOPer: Impeachment Is A 'Democratic Fantasy' And Won't Happen

Discussion for article #230065

NobAMA WILL be IMPEaCHED beFORE he POISons ANY mORe WELLS. THIS faKE KENyan prESiDENT fraUGHT witH uSURPerty Must BE PUT down BEfore HE LITERaLLY GNAWs aLL of AMerica’s FABRic. BenghaZI!1!1!! EboLA!!!1!!!1!1!1one!!1!!!


Impeachment?? Dude, we can’t even get a lawyer in this town to give us a call back on our alleged lawsuit against the President, how can we talk impeachment?


“The only people I ever hear talk about impeachment are Democrats.”

He must not watch Fox News very much.


And who could blame him? He’s the last Republican in Washington who is both sane and doesn’t feel the need to pretend to be insane to protect himself from a primary. Watching Fox would have to be as awful an experience for him as it is for us, albeit for different reasons.


Who ARE these guys? The Rip Van Winkles of Capitol Hill? My favorite new GOP talking point is the one about how, now that they are the majority, they’ll put an end to legislative gridlock . . .


how to reconcile ?

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) said on Monday that impeaching President Obama “would be a consideration”

“The only people I ever hear talk about impeachment are Democrats, and I think it’s always for political purposes,”

“I know of no one who favors that as a course that’s in any leadership position.”

Answer - ?
Cole does not listen to anything that Barton says?
… and views him , in no way, as a leader of any sort ?..
makes Barton the idiot drunk uncle that has to be tolerated at the GOP family gatherings?


What he is saying is Joe Barton is not in a leadership position within the House, which is true. Barton is a tea party back bencher.

The reality is though, this is a meaningless statement. What matters is who will be elected Speaker of the House in January. There is a pretty good chance that Boehner could be ousted, at which point all bets are off.

Even if he is re elected, we all know how easily Boehner can be made to bend for the right promises/threats. So I wouldn’t put much stock into either this, or what babble Barton tossed out.

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Sharyl Attkinson is on The 700 Club pimping her book.

I should have seen that coming.


Then sir might I suggest your side stop threatening it.


Headline should be: Tom Cole denies Joe Barton is a Person!!!

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Oh, Romney did say a GOP congress would get immigration done too… Liars

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Wait til the baggers want it. Then everybody will be falling over themselves to fall in line behind them.


Q: How do you know Impeachment is going to happen?

A: The Republicans vehemently swear it won’t happen.


Cole is being too cute by half.

Every Tea Party jackass in Congress is salivating over the idea of impeaching President Obama.

The GOP goal is to completely erase the Obama presidency from history and law.
They will go to any length to accomplish that goal.

I am both amused and annoyed by the Beltway Media suckers who claim that the GOP is going to work with the President to accomplish things for the nation.
There is no evidence to support that particular fairy tale, and there won’t be any evidence in the future.

The GOP in Congress is determined to destroy the President, and they’ve done nothing to make me believe otherwise.


Just wait till January. Then you’ll see Cole and every other GOOPer put a headlock on the Prez and start rabbit punching him while saying “quit hitting yourself”. Then every media outlet will dutifully report on the Prez hitting himself :stuck_out_tongue:

A lawyer that wouldn’t take money even if the suit would never go anywhere? Pulease.


Michael Burgess, Jon, Kyl, James Inhofe, Jason Chaffetz, Tom Coburn, Blake Farenthold, Kerry Bentovolio, Michelle Bachmann, Paul Broun, Walter Jones, Steven Stockman, Randy Weber, Ted Yoho, Barry Loudermilk. Jodi Ernst, Cory Gardner, Pat Roberts, David Perdue, Joe Barton, Doug Collins, Trey Radel, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Louie Gohmert, Steve King, Darrell Issa, Trent Franks, the House Judiciary Committee (headed by Republicans), the North Dakota Republican Party, The Tea Party.net … to name a few have all squawked about impeachment at some point. All Republican persons or entities. So yeah, I can see how Cole would think that this is a Democratic fantasy… especially since it seems he lives in Opposite Land.

The fact that so many in the GOP have flirted with the idea doesn’t mean its the Dems fantasy. Nor does it mean that the GOP isn’t considering it. But here’s the thing: to what end? I’m not sure those wanting impeachment have thought it through. Let’s say they succeeded in impeaching Obama. It’s not like the GOP would get control of the White House (of course, how the Constitution works has never been the strong suit of those calling for impeachment). No, the GOP doesn’t get the White House. Joe Biden would become president. Nor would the Speaker of the House move up to be Vice President. Joe Biden would get to appoint the new VP. So what do they achieve by impeaching Obama? Simply getting “that black man” out of the “White” House?

Let them file impeachment against Obama. It will not end well for the GOP. And that’s a good thing.


Do you really mean to show us how clueless you are about your own country? I’m serious. You really need some new talking points. I find you embarrassing.

I dunno man…shit stains like Manchin and McCaskill would vote for it in a heartbeat if they thought it would get them re-elected.